Make trucking great again!

Take control of your trucking operations with Digitify’s Data-Driven Freight Management System.

Hire market trucks or utilize own trucks - Do with confidence

Hire market trucks or utilize own trucks - Do with confidence

Whether you need to confidently hire market trucks or utilize your own truck, our real-time matching system quickly connects loads to the closest available truck, reducing waiting times and increasing productivity. With our integrated load boards and WhatsApp broadcasting capabilities, you can easily broadcast your available loads to a wider pool of potential suppliers / truck owners, increasing your chances of finding the right match at competitive rates. Plus, with our benchmarking tools, you can compare your hiring rates to market rates and make data-driven decisions to improve your profitability.

Take the stress out of  tracking your shipments

Take the stress out of tracking your shipments

Digitify's GPS and Sim tracking technology makes it easy to monitor your shipments in real-time, ensuring you stay up-to-date with the status of your goods throughout the entire journey. Digitify’s simple UI makes it easy to access all the information you need at a glance, while our advanced notification system gives you complete peace of mind and the ability to proactively address any issues that may arise.

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Manage risk with automated business logics. Supplier & Truck KYC

Use configurable payment logics to help you manage risks and streamline your logistics operations. Our API-based KYC verification ensures that only compliant suppliers and truck owners are added to your network, reducing the risk of fraud. In addition, API-based payment systems ensure that you never make payments to the wrong account or double-pay suppliers and drivers. Increase profitability and reduce the stress of manual payment and the risk of errors.

 Manage risk with automated business logics. Supplier & Truck KYC

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