Customer Payment Terms

Here user can configure customer payment terms in Customer detail page with various payment modes (Advance, On-delivery, CPD, CPS, POD Balance) based on percentages under Payment Terms sub tab, ensuring that the total allocation for each customer adds up to 100%. Additionally, the remaining balance will be calculated based on the configured percentages:

1. Customer Payment Configuration :

 Allow users to configure payment terms for each customer.

 For each customer, allow configuration of percentages for Advance, On-delivery, CPD, CPS, and POD Balance, ensuring that the total percentage does not exceed 100%.

 Optionally, allow users to set default configurations for payment terms and override them for specific customers.

2. Truck Category Configuration :

 Enable users to configure payment terms based on truck categories.

 Allow setting different percentage allocations for each payment mode (Advance, On-delivery, CPD, CPS, POD Balance) for each truck category.

 Ensure that the total percentage for each truck category does not exceed 100%.

3. Calculation of Payment Amounts :

 When creating payment terms for customer and truck category combination, calculate the payment amounts for each mode based on the configured percentages.

 For example, if the total customer amount is ₹ 100000:

  Advance : 50% (₹50000 of 100000)

  On-delivery : 25% (₹25000 of ₹10000)

  CPD :  5% (₹5000 of ₹100000)

  POD Balance : 20% (₹20000 of ₹100000)

 Ensure that the sum of all payment amounts equals the total customer amount.

4. Remaining Balance Calculation :

 After deducting the payment amounts for Advance, On-delivery, CPD, CPS, and POD Balance from the total customer amount, calculate the remaining balance.

 Express the remaining balance as a percentage of the total customer amount.

 Ensure that the sum of all payment amounts and the remaining balance equals the total customer amount.

5. Validation :

 Implement validation checks to ensure that the total percentage allocation for each customer and truck category combination does not exceed 100%.

The configured payment terms will affect trip confirmation and Direct load creation when the specified customer is selected.