Create Direct Load

If the user has all the necessary information about upcoming trips, such as the truck number, supplier, and other details, they can utilize the "Create Direct Load" feature to directly create trips without going through the indent creation process. This feature is available in a dedicated tab and can be accessed by employees who have the necessary permissions to create indents.

By following these instructions and providing the required information, the user can quickly and efficiently create the desired trips.

It streamlines the process and allows for the direct creation of trips based on the provided information, saving time and effort.

By utilizing the "Create Direct Load" feature and adhering to the instructions provided, users can easily and effectively create trips without the need for an indent, simplifying their workflow and enhancing operational efficiency.

Field Names Functions
Lane Code In this field if user pick a lane code, it fills all necessary details for creating an indent, like customer name, start and end points and more, saving user time and effort.
Customer Name This field displays all Customer names in company. While click on the Customer field It displays all customer names on right, and also user can able to select customers by searching their names in search field on top of the customer names.
Source Name Here user can enter starting point of the trip.
Destination Name Here user can update endpoint or delivery location of the trip.
Traffic While click on this field, displays traffic role employee list where user can allow to allocate traffic employee for upcoming trips related to this indent. After customer selected traffic employee will auto filled based on customer branch.
Truck NO Users can assign a truck for the created indent, choosing from any category such as Own, Attached, or Market.
Truck Type Here users can select the truck type for creating the indent. The available truck types are displayed on the right side for user selection. If the indent is created from a lane, this field will be automatically filled with the truck type entered when the lane was created.
Ton Here user can able to enter weightage of the load in Tons.
Customer Price and Supplier Price In this system, the user can enter the prices for both the customer and the supplier by manually inputting the respective amounts. It's important to note that the supplier price is not validated against the customer price. This means that the user has the ability to update the supplier amount to be higher than the customer price. This type of payment, where the supplier price exceeds the customer price, is useful for adjusting any pending balances from previous trips.
Customer/Supplier advance The advance amount for both the supplier and customer can be adjusted based on a percentage. |
Date Date of the trip created.
Material Type In this field, users have the option to add a material type for creating the indent by clicking on the material type field. Upon clicking, a list of material types will be displayed on the right side, which are configured by the admin in the organization tab > Master > Material Type. Users can select any desired material type from the displayed list.
Remark Here user can update any additional notes or comments.
Customer Pay driver The customer pays the driver.
Customer On-Delivery Here, the user can input the amount that the customer will provide during the delivery.
Customer Pays Supplier Here, the user can update the amount that they pay directly to the supplier.
Customer/Supplier POD Balance The balance amounts of the supplier and customer will be calculated automatically and shown.
Invoice To The customer names are displayed, and the user can select any of the customers to generate an invoice.
Pay To Payment to the supplier or truck owner.
Account Number Account number of the supplier or truck owner based on selected in the pay to field
POD Type The POD (Proof of Delivery) type for the trip can be selected as Soft, Hard, or No POD.
Trip KM Total distance of the trip.

Creating Multipoint Trips (Both in Loading and Unloading)

User can able to create multi loading and multi unloading points in two way

1.Configure in Customer Lane (Multi Unloading Points)

2.As Adhoc

Configure in Customer Lane (Multi Unloading Points)

In the customer detail page, after creating a lane, users have the ability to add multiple unloading points by clicking on the destination name and selecting Add row. Upon clicking the destination name, the system displays details related to the destination, including the city name, distance in kilometers (KM), estimated trip days, address, and location. Below these details, there is an Add Row button. By clicking this button, users can add multiple destination rows, allowing them to include multiple unloading points for the selected lane.

After clicking the Add Row button, the Add Lane module will appear, providing users with the ability to update the unloading point location. In the "Destination Location" field, users can input the specific location of the unloading point. The "Location name" field allows users to assign a display name for the unloading point. The PIN code of the unloading point can be entered in the "Pin code" field. For precise location coordination, users can input the latitude and longitude values in the "Location point" field (e.g., 10.876, 11.765). The distance in kilometers (KM) and the estimated trip duration in days can be updated in the "KM" and "Trip day" fields and the address of the unloading point can be entered in the "Unloading point Address" field.

Once all the necessary data is updated, users can click the "Submit" button. Upon clicking, the entered data in the "Add Lane" module will be created as a lane destination, effectively adding the new unloading point to the lane.

As Adhoc

Trips that are not created from customer lanes are referred to as Adhoc trips. These adhoc lanes can be created by searching for city names in both the Source and Destination columns. After selecting the first city name, a "Pulse" button will appear at the top of the source name field. Clicking on the "Pulse" button enables users to search for city names in the city section. Upon entering a valid city name, a list of suggested city names will be displayed, allowing users to select the correct city for their loading or unloading location. In this manner, users can select multiple loading and unloading points based on their specific requirements.


After updating the data, the user can clear all the entered information by clicking the "Reset" button located at the top of the page. This feature is useful in cases where the user has entered incorrect or unwanted data and wishes to start fresh. By clicking the "Reset" button, all the updated fields will be cleared, returning them to their default or empty state. This allows the user to make corrections or re-enter the data accurately without the need to manually clear each field individually.

The "Reset" button provides a convenient and efficient way for users to undo their changes and ensure that only the intended and accurate data is entered into the system.

After updating all the necessary data, the user can create a direct load by clicking the "Create Load" button located at the bottom of the screen. Upon clicking this button, the system will generate a trip based on the entered information and the load will be created.

The newly created trip will then be displayed in the "Trips" section, specifically under the "Confirmed" tab. This tab serves as a repository for all confirmed trips, allowing users to easily access and manage them.