Release 2.1.1

  1. Automated distance calculation during customer lane creation using selected source and destination.
  2. Introducing a new role called "Customer Admin" to facilitate customer account management. Admins can assign specific customers to employees with this role, allowing them to view and approve payment details only for their assigned customers, ensuring data privacy and streamlined processes.
  3. If the supplier provides interest bid for the indent, it will be displayed in the track, similar to the desk.
  4. In the "Trip POD Pending" tab and the "All Trips" tab within the desk, users will have the option to download data in Excel format based on their column configuration preferences.
  5. In the "Accounts" tab, all payment tabs will now include a new filter that allows users to sort and view payments based on their payment mode.
  6. In the "Own Truck > Driver Salary" tab, a new feature called the "Select All" checkbox has been added.
  7. In both the "Desk" and "Track" interfaces, only administrators have the privilege to view the customer price information.
  8. In the Track supplier login, the customer name will be hidden, ensuring that suppliers do not have access to sensitive customer information.
  9. In the customer login, the driver's contact number will not be displayed, ensuring the privacy and security of driver information.
  10. In the Trip link share, the current status of the trip will be displayed.
  11. A new enhancement has been implemented to hide the "Customer" and "Supplier" tabs in the "Accounts" section specifically for users with the "Fleet Manager" and "Fleet Admin" roles.
  12. Supplier can able to create load request from supplier portal and this load request is matched with indent those items should come for order matching
  13. In the Analytics tab, under Reports, a new feature called "Mileage Filter" has been added. This enhancement allows users to access and view detailed truck mileage reports based on selected dates.

Automated distance calculation during customer lane creation using selected source and destination.

During the creation of a customer lane, users now have the ability to update the source and destination fields as existing locations. As part of this enhancement, when the source is updated, the system will automatically calculate the distance (in kilometers) between the source and the entered destination. This calculation provides users with the convenience of automatically determining the distance between the existing source and the newly entered destination, simplifying the process of setting up accurate customer lanes.


Introducing a new role called "Customer Admin" to facilitate customer account management. Admins can assign specific customers to employees with this role, allowing them to view and approve payment details only for their assigned customers, ensuring data privacy and streamlined processes.

The new role, "Customer Admin," is designed to have specific access privileges. When a user logs in with a customer login, they will only see the "Accounts" tab, and within that tab, they will have access to the "Supplier" tab. The "Customer" tab will not be visible to users with the "Customer Admin" role.

In the "Supplier" tab, only the trips assigned to the respective supplier will be displayed. This ensures that the supplier can only view and manage the trips assigned to them and not the trips of other suppliers.

To assign a customer to a customer admin role employee, a new field has been added to the customer detail page, titled "Customer Admin." When the user clicks on this field, they can select the respective customer admin role employee who will be responsible for managing that customer. Employees assigned the "Customer Admin" role are granted exclusive access to verify and approve payments for their assigned customers only.

This role-based access control and customer assignment mechanism streamline the responsibilities of the customer admin role, ensuring that customers and suppliers can only access and manage the relevant data, promoting data privacy, security, and effective customer management within the system.

If the supplier provides interest bid for the indent, it will be displayed in the track, similar to the desk.

If a supplier provides an interest bid for the indent, it will be displayed in both the "Track" and "Desk" interfaces. This ensures that relevant stakeholders, including suppliers, can easily access and review the interest bid information associated with the indent. Displaying the interest bid in both interfaces facilitates better communication, coordination, and decision-making, enhancing the overall efficiency and transparency of the procurement process for all involved parties.

Users can confirm trips for a specific supplier by clicking the "Confirm" button (denoted by a tick) next to the respective supplier's name. This action indicates that the trip has been confirmed with that particular supplier. Confirming trips allows for effective communication and coordination between users and suppliers, ensuring that all parties are aware of the trip details and can proceed with their respective roles in the transportation and logistics process.

In the "Trip POD Pending" tab and the "All Trips" tab within the desk, users will have the option to download data in Excel format based on their column configuration preferences.

In these tabs, users have the option to download the displayed trip data in Excel format. When they choose to download, the system provides them with the flexibility to customize the columns they want to include in the Excel file. This customization feature allows users to select specific data fields or attributes that they need for their analysis, reports, or any other purpose.

For example, a user might prefer to include columns such as trip ID, source location, destination location, trip status, supplier details, customer details, and payment status in their downloaded Excel file. However, they might exclude other columns that are not relevant to their specific use case.

By allowing users to customize the columns, the system empowers them with greater control over the data they access and enables them to focus on the information that matters most to them. This feature promotes efficiency and convenience in managing trip data and generating reports, as users can obtain precisely the data they require without any unnecessary information cluttering their reports.

Overall, this feature enhances the user experience and improves the usability of the "Desk" interface, providing a more efficient and tailored approach to handling trip data for better decision-making and analysis.

In the "Accounts" tab, all payment tabs will now include a new filter that allows users to sort and view payments based on their payment mode.

In the "Accounts" tab, a new enhancement has been introduced to improve payment management. All payment tabs will now include a new filter that allows users to sort and view payments based on their payment mode. This filter enables users to easily search and access specific payment transactions based on the mode of payment used, such as cash, bank or any other available payment method.

With this new feature, users can quickly filter and retrieve relevant payment records based on their preferred payment mode, making payment management more efficient and streamlined. This enhancement facilitates easier tracking and organization of payment transactions, saving time and effort in locating specific payment information.

By providing a convenient payment mode filter in the "Accounts" tab, users can access the payment details they need with ease, enhancing the overall user experience and promoting more efficient financial record-keeping within the system.

In the "Own Truck > Driver Salary" tab, a new feature called the "Select All" checkbox has been added.

In the "Own Truck > Driver Salary" tab, a new and convenient feature called the "Select All" checkbox has been implemented. When a user selects a specific driver, the trips will be automatically sorted based on that driver's name. This sorting makes it easier for the user to manage and review salary details for the selected driver.

With the "Select All" checkbox, the user can now quickly and efficiently select all the sorted trips for the chosen driver. This eliminates the need to individually select each trip, saving time and effort in the process. The "Select All" checkbox is conveniently located at the top of the tab, near the "Trip ID" title, making it easily accessible for the user to use.

By incorporating this feature, the system enhances the user experience and streamlines the process of managing driver salary details, providing a more efficient and user-friendly approach to salary management for own truck drivers.

In both the "Desk" and "Track" interfaces, only administrators have the privilege to view the customer price information.

In both the "Desk" and "Track" interfaces, the privilege to view customer price information is restricted to administrators only. Other user roles do not have access to view customer price details. This measure is taken to ensure data privacy and security, as customer price information is considered sensitive and proprietary.

By limiting access to customer price details to administrators, the system maintains confidentiality and prevents unauthorized users from viewing or modifying critical pricing information. This ensures that customer price data is accessible only to authorized personnel with the appropriate administrative role, promoting data protection and integrity within the application.

In the Track supplier login, the customer name will be hidden, ensuring that suppliers do not have access to sensitive customer information.

In the Track supplier login, customer names are intentionally hidden to maintain confidentiality and protect sensitive customer information. This measure ensures that suppliers can only access relevant information related to their interactions with the company, while sensitive customer data remains protected from unauthorized access.

By concealing customer names, the system enhances data security and privacy, preventing suppliers from obtaining direct access to customer identities. This approach safeguards customer data and reinforces the integrity of the supplier login, adhering to strict data protection practices.

Overall, this implementation promotes a secure and trustworthy environment for both suppliers and customers, fostering a sense of confidence in the system's data handling capabilities.

This status will provide real-time information about the trip, indicating whether it is ongoing, completed, pending, or any other relevant status. Sharing the current trip status with relevant stakeholders allows for better communication, coordination, and tracking of the trip's progress, enhancing overall visibility and efficiency in logistics and transportation operations.

A new enhancement has been implemented to hide the "Customer" and "Supplier" tabs in the "Accounts" section specifically for users with the "Fleet Manager" and "Fleet Admin" roles.

A new enhancement has been introduced to enhance the user experience and data security within the "Accounts" section. For users with the "Fleet Manager" and "Fleet Admin" roles, the "Customer" and "Supplier" tabs are now hidden, allowing them to focus solely on the "Own Trucks" tab.

By limiting the visibility of these tabs, users with the "Fleet Manager" and "Fleet Admin" roles can efficiently manage and monitor their own trucks' financial and operational details without being overwhelmed by unnecessary information. This targeted view streamlines their tasks, making it easier to access and handle relevant data related to their fleet management responsibilities.

With this enhancement, the application ensures that users have access to the specific features and information essential to their roles, enhancing productivity and data confidentiality. Additionally, it simplifies the interface, providing a tailored experience tailored to the needs of "Fleet Manager" and "Fleet Admin" users within the "Accounts" section.

Supplier can able to create load request from supplier portal and this load request is matched with indent those items should come for order matching

1. Supplier Load Request Creation: The supplier portal now includes a new capability that allows suppliers to create load requests directly from their account. This feature empowers suppliers to communicate their transportation requirements to the company efficiently.

2. Load Request and Indent Matching: When a supplier creates a load request, the system automatically matches it with the corresponding indent. An indent represents a list of items or products that the company needs to transport or procure from the supplier. The system compares the load request details with the indents in the system to find the most suitable match.

3. Order Matching Consideration: Once the load request is matched with the indent, the items specified in the load request are considered for order matching. Order matching involves determining the most efficient and cost-effective way to fulfill the company's requirements for transporting goods. The system optimizes the selection of loads and routes to ensure smooth transportation operations.

4. Streamlined Communication and Coordination: By enabling suppliers to create load requests and automating the matching process with indents, the feature streamlines communication and coordination between suppliers and the company. Suppliers can efficiently submit their transportation needs, and the system takes care of aligning those needs with the company's requirements.

5. Improved Supply Chain Efficiency: This enhancement improves supply chain efficiency by optimizing load assignments and transportation routes. It ensures that the right items are matched with the appropriate load requests, minimizing delays and optimizing the utilization of transportation resources.

In the Analytics tab, under Reports, a new feature called "Mileage Filter" has been added. This enhancement allows users to access and view detailed truck mileage reports based on selected dates.

Custom Date Selection: Users can choose specific date ranges for which they want to generate the truck mileage report. This customization allows for analyzing mileage data over desired time periods.

Truck-specific Reports: The Mileage Filter provides separate reports for each truck in the fleet. Users can view individual truck mileage data to assess the performance of each vehicle.

Truck Category : In the Analytics tab, users can use the "Truck Category" filter to view mileage data specific to a chosen truck category. For example, if "Attached" category is selected, only mileage data of attached trucks will be displayed, allowing easy assessment of their performance. This feature enables users to analyze and compare mileage data for different truck categories, supporting informed decision-making for fleet management.

Truck Type :In the Mileage Filter, users can generate separate reports for each truck in the fleet, allowing them to view mileage data specific to each individual truck type. For example, if the user selects the "32 ft SXL" truck type, the report will only display mileage data related to trucks of that specific type. This feature enables users to assess the performance of each truck type separately, making it easier to analyze their efficiency and performance. The ability to filter and view data based on truck types empowers users to make data-driven decisions and optimize their fleet management strategies effectively.

Mileage Calculation: The Mileage Calculation feature in the report automatically computes and presents the total mileage covered by each truck within the chosen time frame. The data used for these calculations is based on odometer readings. This valuable information provides users with accurate insights into the distance traveled by each truck, enabling them to monitor fuel consumption, track performance, and optimize maintenance schedules effectively. With reliable mileage data at their disposal, users can make well-informed decisions to enhance operational efficiency and reduce transportation costs.

Excel Download : Users can conveniently download the truck mileage data in Excel format by clicking the Excel sheet icon located near the "Truck No" title. This feature enables users to export the mileage data to an Excel file, allowing for further analysis, sharing with stakeholders, or creating customized reports. By providing this download option, the system enhances data accessibility and empowers users to utilize the mileage data in a format that best suits their needs for reporting and decision-making purposes.

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