Release 2.29.0

  1. Enhancements to Trip Confirmation Based on Supplier Type
  2. Enhancement to Image Upload Limit in Maintenance and POD
  3. Addition of New Courier Types in POD Module.
  4. New Filter and Search Options in Accounts Module.
  5. Addition of Customer and Supplier Target Price Columns in Lane Tab.

Enhancements to Trip Confirmation Based on Supplier Type

  1. New Checkbox in Organization > Master Tab:

    • A new checkbox named "Trip confirmation based on supplier type (Truck Owner)" has been added.
    • If the checkbox is selected, the system will follow the "Truck Owner" flow.
  2. New Supplier Field - Type:
    A new field, "Type," has been added when creating a supplier. This field provides suggestions for two supplier types: Broker or Truck Owner.

  3. Trip Confirmation Logic:

    • For Brokers: Users can select any available trucks in the trip confirmation process.
    • For Truck Owners: Users can only select trucks that are mapped to the specific truck owner.
  4. Supplier-Based and Truck-Based Trip Configuration:

    • In Truck Owner-based configuration, users must select a supplier first, followed by selecting the trucks.
    • In Broker-based configuration, the current selection process remains unchanged.

Enhancement to Image Upload Limit in Maintenance and POD

The image upload limit has been increased:

  • Truck Maintenance: Users can now upload up to 3 images.
  • POD (Proof of Delivery): Users can now upload up to 10 images.

Addition of New Courier Types in POD Module

  • New courier types have been added to the POD (Proof of Delivery) module, expanding the available options for selecting courier services.

New Filter and Search Options in Accounts Module

  • A new filter and search functionality has been added to the Account Number column and the Invoice To column in Accounts > Customer > Payment. This allows users to easily search and filter data in these specific columns for more efficient navigation.

Addition of Customer and Supplier Target Price Columns in Lane Tab

  • Two new columns, Customer Target Price and Supplier Target Price, have been added to the Organization > Lane tab.
  • Admins have exclusive access to view the Customer Target Price, while other roles can only view the Supplier Target Price.
  • Users can now download this data using the Excel download option.