Release 2.16.0

  1. Enhanced Payment Slab Configuration for Trips.
  2. Introduction of Addition Point Charge Configuration for Multi-Point Loads.
  3. Enhanced Address Configuration with Account Number Integration.
  4. Introduction of LR Date Column in Own Trucks Salary Section.
  5. Enhanced Roles and Actions for Supplier Advance Management.
  6. Implementation of Rate Per Ton Indent Creation Option.

Enhanced Payment Slab Configuration for Trips

 In the "Organization" section under the "Master" tab, users with admin roles now have access to configure payment norms for trips.

 The configuration interface now includes three radio buttons: "No deduction," "Custom charges," and "Slab based," providing flexibility in payment methodologies.

No Deduction:

  Users selecting this option will have mamul calculated during Supplier advance processing, following the existing flow.

  For example, if the net hire is ₹100,000 and the mamul is set at ₹2,000, the system will create an advance of ₹70,000 (70% of the net hire), with the remaining amount as balance.

  Note: The ₹2,000 mamul will be deducted during supplier advance processing.

 Custom Charges:

  With this option, mamul is deducted during trip confirmation.

  For instance, if the net hire is ₹100,000 and the mamul is set at ₹2,000, the system will deduct the mamul during confirmation, resulting in an advance of ₹68,600 (70% of the net hire minus ₹2,000), with the remaining amount as balance.

  Note: The ₹2,000 mamul will not be deducted again during advance processing.

Slab Based:

  Users can select this option to calculate mamul during Supplier advance processing based on pre-configured slab rates.

  For example, if the supplier price limit is set between ₹10,000 and ₹20,000, and the mamul price is configured at ₹500, the system will apply this rate during advance processing for trips falling within this price range.

  Users can configure mamul prices based on various price limits, ensuring accurate calculations without the need for manual inputs during trip confirmation.

Also user can view comments for each updates.

 This enhancement provides users with greater control and flexibility in managing payment configurations for trips, streamlining the process and ensuring accuracy in supplier advance calculations.

Introduction of Addition Point Charge Configuration for Multi-Point Loads:

 Users now have the capability to configure additional charges for multi-point trips within the "Organization" section under the "Master" tab.

 A new column titled "Addition Point Charge" has been incorporated to facilitate this functionality.

 When users update the value in this column, it will be automatically applied as an additional charge for customers on multi-point trips.

 For Example , if a user configures an Addition Point Charge of Rs 1500, this amount will be multiplied based on the count of multi-point destinations and sources within the trip.


Enhanced Address Configuration with Account Number Integration:

 Users now have the capability to configure account numbers for company addresses directly during address creation, streamlining the invoicing process for trips.

 A new field titled "Account No" has been added to the address creation interface, allowing users to input the relevant account number for the company address.

 Upon clicking on the "Account No" field, users will be presented with a dropdown menu containing a list of previously created account numbers for easy selection.

 This integration eliminates the need for manual entry of account numbers and GSTIN (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number) during trip invoicing, enhancing efficiency and reducing potential errors.

 With this enhancement, users can seamlessly invoice trips based on the selected account number associated with the company address, optimizing the invoicing workflow and ensuring accuracy in financial transactions. Also it affects while trip downloading customer invoice report.

Introduction of LR Date Column in Own Trucks Salary Section:

 In the "Accounts" section under "Own Trucks," users now have access to a new column titled "LR Date," enhancing visibility and tracking of LR (Loading Receipt) creation dates.

 The LR Date column displays the date when the LR was created for the respective salary entry, providing valuable information regarding the timing of truck assignments and load pickups.

Enhanced Roles and Actions for Supplier Advance Management

 Users with Admin, SRM (Supplier Relationship Manager), BM (Branch Manager), and Accounts roles now possess extended privileges for managing supplier advance requests, including the ability to reject, hold, verify, approve, or pay.

 Initially, users could choose from a range of actions including Hold, Reject, Verify, Approve, or Pay when processing supplier advance requests.

 Once a request is verified, users with relevant roles can proceed to process or reject the supplier advance; however, the option to hold is no longer available.

 If a request is placed on hold, users are restricted to only verifying it until further action is taken. Subsequently, they can proceed to either approve or pay the advance.

 In the event of a rejection, users with Admin or Accounts roles retain the authority to approve or pay the advance.

 These enhancements streamline the supplier advance processing workflow, providing designated users with clear roles and actions to ensure efficient and accurate handling of advance requests.

Implementation of Rate Per Ton Indent Creation Option

A new feature has been introduced to facilitate the creation of indents based on a rate per ton model, providing users with enhanced flexibility in pricing and invoicing within the system.

During the indent creation process, users now have the option to enable the rate per ton functionality by checking a checkbox located adjacent to the ton field.

Once this checkbox is selected, the system automatically adjusts pricing calculations to reflect the rate per ton model, streamlining the pricing process for tonnage-based transactions.

Also user can able to edit customer and supplier ton rate while trip confirmation also.


 Let's consider a scenario where a user, creating an indent for the transportation of goods. The goods are priced based on tonnage, and the rate per ton is set at ₹500.

 During indent creation, user selects the option to enable rate per ton functionality by checking the designated checkbox and enters the total tonnage of goods as 10 tons.

 Upon confirmation of the indent, the system calculates the customer and supplier prices based on the specified rate per ton and the total tonnage provided.

 In this example, the customer price would be ₹500 * 10 tons = ₹5000, while the supplier price would also be ₹450 * 10 tons = ₹4500.

By implementing this feature, users can seamlessly manage transactions involving tonnage-based pricing, ensuring accurate invoicing and pricing calculations while reducing manual effort and potential errors.