Release 2.4.0

  1. When updating LR (Lorry Receipt) information, the system now enforces a restriction that disallows the use of special characters.
  2. Fuel Requests Displayed on Both Trip and Truck Detail Pages.
  3. Users with admin roles now have the privilege to delete truck maintenance records, both from the "Truck Detail" page and within the "Truck" tab.
  4. A new expense type, "Service Charges," has been added to the system.
  5. New Validation: Supplier Selection Restricted to Active and Verified Status Across Application and in Confirm Load Tab.
  6. A new filtering capability has been introduced in the "Accounts > Fuel" section. Users now have the ability to filter fuel stations based on both the station company names and the station names. This enhancement offers users greater flexibility and precision when searching for specific fuel stations within the system.
  7. User with Admin access can able to delete customer lane

When updating LR (Lorry Receipt) information, the system now enforces a restriction that disallows the use of special characters.

In this latest system upgrade, we've implemented an important restriction related to Lorry Receipt (LR) updates. Specifically, the system now enforces a rule that disallows the use of special characters when updating LR information.

Key Highlights:

  1. Special Character Restriction: When making updates or changes to LR (Lorry Receipt) information, the system will actively prevent users from including special characters. These include characters such as symbols, punctuation marks, and other non-alphanumeric characters.


  1. Data Integrity: This restriction ensures data integrity by preventing the inclusion of special characters that could potentially cause data issues or errors in LR records.
  2. Simplified Data Management: By eliminating the use of special characters in LR updates, the system streamlines data management and maintains consistent data standards.
  3. Enhanced Accuracy: The restriction contributes to enhanced accuracy in LR records, reducing the risk of errors or inconsistencies caused by special characters.
  4. Improved User Experience: Users benefit from a smoother and more error-free LR update process, contributing to an improved overall user experience.

This enhancement reflects our commitment to data accuracy and user-friendly data management practices within the system, ensuring that LR records are maintained with precision and consistency.

Fuel Requests Displayed on Both Trip and Truck Detail Pages.

In this system update, we are excited to introduce an enhancement that enhances the visibility of fuel requests within the system. Previously, fuel requests were only viewable on the trip detail page. With this improvement, users can now access and view fuel requests not only on the trip detail page but also on the truck detail page.

Trip Detail Page: Fuel requests related to specific trips are now prominently displayed on the trip detail page. This provides users with immediate access to essential fuel-related information for each trip.

Truck Detail Page: In addition to the trip detail page, users can also view fuel requests on the truck detail page. This offers a centralized location to access and manage fuel request data associated with individual trucks

Users with admin roles now have the privilege to delete truck maintenance records, both from the "Truck Detail" page and within the "Truck" tab.

In this recent update, a significant privilege has been granted to users with admin roles within the system. Admin users now have the capability to delete truck maintenance records, providing them with greater control and management options for maintaining the database.

  1. Privilege for Admin Roles: Users assigned the admin role within the system now possess the authority to delete truck maintenance records. This privilege is exclusive to administrators and empowers them to efficiently manage maintenance data.
  2. Deletion from "Truck Detail" Page: Admin users can delete truck maintenance records directly from the "Truck Detail" page, offering a streamlined approach to maintenance record management.
  3. Deletion within "Truck" Tab: The capability to delete maintenance records is also accessible within the "Truck" tab, further enhancing the convenience of maintenance data management.


  1. Efficient Data Management: Granting admin users the privilege to delete truck maintenance records enhances data management efficiency. It allows for the removal of outdated or unnecessary maintenance entries, ensuring a well-organized and relevant database.
  2. Enhanced Control: Admin users are now equipped with more control over maintenance data, contributing to improved data accuracy and system performance.
  3. Data Cleanup: This privilege facilitates data cleanup efforts, promoting a more organized and up-to-date database.

Overall, this enhancement provides users with admin roles the authority to delete truck maintenance records, streamlining data management and maintenance record control within the system. It empowers administrators to maintain a more accurate and organized database, ensuring that the system operates at its best.

A new expense type, "Service Charges," has been added to the system.

We are pleased to announce a significant update in our system - the addition of a new expense type: "Service Charges." This inclusion expands the range of expense categories available for tracking and management within the system, offering users a more comprehensive set of options for recording and managing expenses related to service charges.

  1. Expense Diversification: With the introduction of the "Service Charges" expense type, users now have a dedicated category to record expenses associated with service charges. This enables more accurate expense tracking and reporting.
  2. Improved Expense Management: This enhancement enhances the ability to categorize and manage various types of expenses within the system, providing users with a more detailed and organized financial overview.


  1. Precise Expense Tracking: The addition of the "Service Charges" expense type allows for precise tracking of expenses related to service charges, improving the accuracy of financial records.
  2. Enhanced Reporting: With this new category, users can generate detailed expense reports that provide a comprehensive breakdown of service charge-related expenses, offering valuable insights for financial analysis and decision-making.
  3. Efficient Record-Keeping: Users can now efficiently record and categorize service charge expenses, simplifying the process of managing financial data and ensuring compliance with accounting practices.

New Validation: Supplier Selection Restricted to Active and Verified Status Across Application and in Confirm Load Tab.

Validation Across the Application: The core of this enhancement involves a system-wide validation mechanism that restricts supplier selection to those with "active" and "verified" statuses. This means that users can only confirm or edit trip details for suppliers who meet these specific criteria.

Clarity Through Status Display: To provide users with clear and immediate information, the respective status of each supplier is prominently displayed next to their names. This ensures that users can easily identify the current status of a supplier during the selection process.

Preventing Unapproved Suppliers: If a supplier is in a "rejected" or "blacklisted" status, the system takes a proactive approach. Users are outright prevented from selecting these suppliers for trips. This measure significantly reduces the risk associated with unapproved or non-compliant suppliers.

A new filtering capability has been introduced in the "Accounts > Fuel" section. Users now have the ability to filter fuel stations based on both the station company names and the station names. This enhancement offers users greater flexibility and precision when searching for specific fuel stations within the system.

In this latest system update, we are excited to introduce an enhanced filtering capability in the "Accounts > Fuel > Request" section. This feature empowers users with greater control and precision when searching for specific fuel stations within the system.

Filter by Station Company Names: Users can now filter fuel stations based on the names of the companies associated with them. This allows for more targeted searches when looking for fuel stations belonging to specific companies.

Filter by Station Names: In addition to company names, users can also filter fuel stations by their individual names. This further refines the search process, enabling users to pinpoint specific fuel stations by their unique names.

User with Admin access can able to delete customer lane

In our latest system update, users with admin access privileges have gained the capability to delete customer lanes. This enhancement empowers administrators to efficiently manage and maintain customer lane data, offering more control and flexibility in data management.

Key Highlights:

  1. Admin Access Privilege: Users with admin access roles are now granted the privilege to delete customer lanes. This authority is exclusive to administrators, allowing them to oversee and maintain this critical aspect of data management.


  1. Efficient Data Management: Granting admin users the ability to delete customer lanes enhances data management efficiency. It allows for the removal of outdated or irrelevant customer lane entries, ensuring a well-organized and up-to-date database.
  2. Streamlined Maintenance: Admin users can now perform routine data cleanup tasks more effectively, promoting a more organized and relevant customer lane database.
  3. Improved Data Accuracy: This privilege contributes to improved data accuracy by enabling administrators to remove incorrect or obsolete customer lane records.
  4. Enhanced Control: Admin users can exercise greater control over customer lane data, ensuring that the system's records are accurate and up-to-date.

This enhancement reflects our commitment to providing administrators with the necessary tools to efficiently manage data within the system, ultimately leading to a more organized, accurate, and streamlined data management process.