Create Indent

All roles users have access to create indents in the system.

Creating an Indent

To create an indent, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Indent button near the Dashboard tab.
  2. This will open a page where you can enter the required data, such as source name, destination name, traffic employee, truck type, and more.

Create Indent Page

The Create Indent page has three tabs:

  1. Indent: Use this tab to create indents.
  2. Direct Load: For creating trips without the need for indents.
  3. Direct Invoice: For generating invoices directly.

Ensure all mandatory fields are filled in before creating the indent. The system will check that all necessary information is complete before proceeding.

Field Names Functions
Lane Code In this field if user pick a lane code, it fills all necessary details for creating an indent, like customer name, start and end points and more, saving user time and effort.
Indent Id This field allows user to update the indent ID for future reference.
Customer Name This field displays all Customer names in company. While click on the Customer field It displays all customer names on right, and also user can able to select customers by searching their names in search field on top of the customer names.
Source Name Here user can enter starting point of the trip.
Destination Name Here user can update endpoint or delivery location of the trip.
Traffic While click on this field, displays traffic role employee list where user can allow to allocate traffic employee for upcoming trips related to this indent. After customer selected traffic employee will auto filled based on customer branch.
Branch In this field, users have the option to select their company branch, ensuring that employees from other branches cannot access data from different branches. By default, the field displays the source branch name configured in the organization tab by the admin. This restriction helps maintain data confidentiality and ensures that information is only accessible to the relevant branch employees.
Truck Type Here users can select the truck type for creating the indent. The available truck types are displayed on the right side for user selection. If the indent is created from a lane, this field will be automatically filled with the truck type entered when the lane was created.
Ton Here user can able to enter weightage of the load in Tons.
Customer Price and Supplier Price In this system, the user can enter the prices for both the customer and the supplier by manually inputting the respective amounts. It's important to note that the supplier price is not validated against the customer price. This means that the user has the ability to update the supplier amount to be higher than the customer price. This type of payment, where the supplier price exceeds the customer price, is useful for adjusting any pending balances from previous trips.
Date Date of the indent created.
No of Vehicle Here users can enter the number of trucks required for the indent, which helps in avoiding multiple indents for the same source and destination. Users can input any count based on the customer's request or requirements.
Material Type In this field, users have the option to add a material type for creating the indent by clicking on the material type field. Upon clicking, a list of material types will be displayed on the right side, which are configured by the admin in the organization tab > Master > Material Type. Users can select any desired material type from the displayed list.
Expiry Time The specified time limit or expiration period for indent. If time extends after expiry time indent deletes automatically.
Remark Here user can update any additional notes or comments.
Post to supplier This field includes a checkbox that is checked by default. By selecting this checkbox, the user grants permission for the supplier to view the created indents. This allows the supplier to express their interest in a particular indent. Once the supplier shows interest in an indent, the admin, BM (Branch Manager), or traffic role employees can review and confirm the trip with the interested supplier.
Destination BM can Track If this checkbox is checked Bm role employees can able to view trips that contains their branch mapped cities as destination.

Creating Multi Loading and Multi Unloading points

User can able to create multi loading and multi unloading points in two way

  1. Configure in Customer Lane (Multi Unloading Points)
  2. In Adhoc Indents

Configure in Customer Lane (Multi Unloading Points)

On the customer detail page, after creating a lane, users can add multiple unloading points by clicking the Destination Name and selecting Add Row.

The system will display details like the city name, distance (KM), estimated trip days, address, and location.

Click the Add Row button to add multiple destinations, enabling the creation of multiple unloading points for the lane.

When you click Add Row, the Add Lane module will open. Users can update the unloading point location as follows:

Destination Location: Enter the specific location of the unloading point.

Location Name: Assign a display name.

Pincode: Enter the postal code.

Location Point: Input latitude and longitude coordinates (e.g., 10.876, 11.765).

KM: Update the distance in kilometers.

Trip Day : Set the estimated trip duration.

Unloading Point Address: Enter the address.

Once all details are entered, click the Submit button to add the new unloading point to the lane.

As Adhoc Indents

Create an Adhoc indent by searching city names in the Source and Destination fields.

Click the + button to add multiple loading and unloading points.

Select the city names as needed for the trip.

This helps in managing trips with multiple points easily and efficiently.