Release 2.15.0

  1. Sim Tracking Control Feature Added for Admins (start and stop)
  2. Addition of "Driver Name" Column in Accounts > Supplier > Advance Tab
  3. Recalculation of TDS and Mamul on Deleting First Advance for Supplier in Accounts Module
  4. Highlight Last Viewed Trip Card in Track Trip Tab

Sim Tracking Control Feature Added for Admins (start and stop)

In this release new enhancement in our system that empowers users with admin roles to efficiently manage and control sim tracking based on their specific requirements. With the introduction of the start and stop sim tracking feature, admins now have the ability to optimize sim tracking costs by initiating and concluding tracking sessions as needed.

Key Features:

  1. User-Friendly Sim Tracking Control: Admin users can easily start or stop sim tracking sessions directly from the system interface.
  2. Cost Optimization: The ability to initiate and terminate sim tracking sessions at will enables admins to optimize costs associated with tracking, ensuring resources are utilized effectively.
  3. Flexible Tracking Management: Admins can adapt sim tracking to varying needs, allowing for more strategic and tailored tracking based on specific projects, events, or operational requirements.
  4. Enhanced Security: The feature is designed with security in mind, ensuring that only authorized users with admin roles can access and control sim tracking functionalities.
  5. Streamlined Workflow: The addition of this feature contributes to a more streamlined workflow for admins, offering greater control and flexibility in managing sim tracking activities.

Note : Same button is used for both to start and stop the tracking.

Addition of "Driver Name" Column in Accounts > Supplier > Advance Tab

A new column named "Driver Name" has been added to the "Advance" tab within the "Supplier" section. This column serves to display the name of the driver associated with a trip. In cases where the driver's name is not available, the column displays the driver's mobile number for easy reference.

Recalculation of TDS and Mamul on Deleting First Advance for Supplier in Accounts Module

Users now have the ability to recalculate Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) and Mamul (commission) calculations when the first advance for a supplier is deleted. Subsequent advances created for the same supplier will be considered as the first advance for accurate TDS and Mamul calculations.

Key Features

1. Recalculation on Deletion

First Advance Deletion: If the first advance for a supplier is deleted, the system recalculate for TDS and Mamul.

2. Subsequent Advances Consideration

Calculation Reset: Subsequent advances created for the same supplier are treated as the first advance for TDS and Mamul calculations.

Highlight Last Viewed Trip Card in Track Trip Tab

In this release,  implemented a user-friendly enhancement in the Track module to improve the navigation experience. Now, when users click and navigate to the Trip Detail page from the Track Trip tab, the last viewed trip card will be dynamically highlighted.

This feature provides a visual cue for users to easily identify the recently viewed trip when they return to the Track Trip tab.