Release 2.27.0

  1. POD Approved By Column in Invoice Pending Tab
  2. Indent reverse option for Admin role users
  3. New Is_Adhoc column in indent page.

POD Approved By Column in Invoice Pending Tab

We are pleased to announce the addition of a new column in the Invoice Pending tab called "POD Approved By." This feature enhances transparency and tracking by allowing users to view the name of the employee who approved the Proof of Delivery (POD).


Column Name: POD Approved By

Location: Invoice Pending tab

Functionality: Displays the name of the employee who approved the POD for each invoice.

Purpose: Improves visibility and accountability in the invoice approval process.

Indent Reverse Option for Admin Role Users

We are excited to announce a new feature on the Indent page related to indent management. A new column, Status, has been added to the desk and track. This column displays the current status of each indent.

Key Updates:

1. Indent Expiration : Indents will no longer be automatically deleted upon expiration. Instead, they will be moved to a new status called Expired.

2.Viewing Expired Indents : Users can view expired indents by selecting the "Expired" checkbox in the status filter.

3.Reversing Expired Indents: Users with Admin and Indent Admin roles now have the ability to reverse expired indents. A "Reverse" button will appear in the Action column for expired indents.

4.Confirmation and Remarks: Clicking the "Reverse" button will open a confirmation module with a remarks field. Here, users can provide comments for the reversal.

5.Status Update: Once reversed, the indent will be moved back to the active status, allowing users to perform actions as usual.

New Column for Adhoc Indents

We are pleased to introduce a new enhancement related to the indent management system. This update affects both the desk and track views and provides clearer visibility of the type of indent.

Key updates include:

New Column: Is_Adhoc : A new column named "Is_Adhoc" has been added to the indent page on the desk. This column indicates whether an indent was created from a lane or as an adhoc indent.

 If the indent is adhoc, the column will display "Yes."

 If the indent is not adhoc created from Customer Lane, the column will display "No."

Adhoc Flag in Track : In the track view, if an indent is created as adhoc, a new flag labeled "Adhoc Indent" will be displayed on the indent card.