Release 2.3.0

  1. Branch-Specific Data Display for Branch Managers (BM) Role.
  2. Added a new truck column in the Trips > POD Received tab.
  3. In the "All Trips" tab, new columns for "Driver Number," "Driver Salary," and "Fuel Amount" have been added.
  4. A new search option has been introduced in the "LR Invoice" column within the Accounts tab.
  5. A new feature has been implemented, allowing only admin role employees to edit customer lanes.
  6. URL navigation for the "Organization" tab has been restricted, ensuring that only users with authorized access can view the tab. Unauthorized users will no longer be able to navigate to the "Organization" tab using URLs.
  7. The "Supplier" tab now displays the count of suppliers mapped for market trucks, including both default suppliers and other suppliers. Previously, only the count of other suppliers was considered.

Branch-Specific Data Display for Branch Managers (BM) Role.

With this release, a new feature has been introduced that restricts data visibility for users with the Branch Manager (BM) role. Now, BMs will only have access to data relevant to their assigned branch. This ensures data security and a more focused view for BMs, enhancing overall system usability.

Employees will only see trips from their assigned branch in the "Trips" tab and indent requests specific to their branch in the "Indent" tab; viewing trips requires employees to be mapped to at least one branch. Users with the Branch Manager (BM) role will see their assigned branches listed in the global filter for selection. Within this setup, the user, will have the ability to choose and apply filters based on either the source or destination of the relevant data.

Added a new truck column in the Trips > POD Received tab.

In the "Trips" tab, a enhancement has been implemented. A new column named "Truck" has been introduced within the POD section. This column is designed to display the corresponding truck number for each trip, providing users with quick access to this essential information.

Moreover, users now have the convenient capability to access the dedicated truck detail page directly from this column. By clicking on the displayed truck number, users will be promptly directed to the comprehensive truck detail page, where they can retrieve more in-depth information about the truck.

In addition to these improvements, users are empowered with the ability to filter trips using the search functionality based on the truck number. This intuitive feature allows users to input a specific truck number in the search bar, instantly retrieving trips associated with that particular truck. This streamlines the process of locating and managing trips tied to specific vehicles.

These enhancements collectively enhance user experience and efficiency within the "Trips" tab, facilitating seamless access to truck-related details and enabling more precise trip management through effective filtering.

In the "All Trips" tab, new columns for "Driver Number," "Driver Salary," and "Fuel Amount" have been added.

In the "All Trips" tab, a notable enhancement has been implemented. New columns have been introduced to provide additional insights into trip details. These new columns include:

  1. Driver Number: This column displays the respective driver's identification number associated with each trip.
  2. Driver Salary: This column showcases the salary attributed to the driver for each trip.
  3. Fuel Amount: This column presents the amount of fuel consumed during each trip.

These new columns contribute to a more comprehensive view of trip information, enabling users to quickly assess crucial data points related to drivers and fuel consumption. This enhancement enhances the analytical capabilities within the "All Trips" tab, facilitating informed decision-making and efficient trip management.

A new search option has been introduced in the "LR Invoice" column within the Accounts tab.

An additional search option has been implemented within the Accounts tab, specifically in the "LR Invoice" column. This feature enhances the user experience by enabling users to easily locate specific information related to LR invoices, streamlining navigation and retrieval of relevant data.

A new feature has been implemented, allowing only admin role employees to edit customer lanes.

A recent addition to the system introduces a new feature that grants exclusive editing privileges for customer lanes to employees with the admin role. This enhancement ensures that only administrators can make changes to customer lanes, maintaining data accuracy and control over this aspect of the system's configuration.

Editing Customer Lanes and Source Location:

Within the system, the capability to edit Customer Lanes is facilitated through the "Edit" button located at the bottom of the source section. Upon clicking this button, the "Edit Source Location" module is displayed, offering users the tools to make necessary adjustments to the customer's source location details.

The module presents several editable fields to modify the source location information:

  1. City Field: Here, the user can edit the city associated with the customer's source location.
  2. Pincode Field: This field allows users to update the Pincode of the source location.
  3. Loading Point Field: Users can modify the loading point in this field.
  4. Location Name Field: The location name can be edited in this section.
  5. Address Field: This field allows users to make changes to the address of the source location.

Editing Source Location's KM and Trip Days Calculation:

If the user makes changes to the source location, an informational message is displayed. This message prompts the user to consider updating the kilometers (KM) in the destination section to reflect the changes in the source location.

For this purpose, users can use the "Edit" button within the KM column of the destination section. Clicking this button opens an editing interface for the KM column.

As the user updates the KM, the system performs an automatic calculation of trip days based on the KM entered. The calculation is based on a predefined formula: Trip days = Total KM / Truck per day running KM (350).

This automation ensures that trip days are calculated accurately and efficiently, offering users an instant estimate of the time required for the trip based on the updated KM.

In essence, this system functionality streamlines the process of editing customer source locations and associated information, while also facilitating the modification of KM values and trip day calculations. It brings efficiency, accuracy, and user-friendliness to the management of customer lanes and logistics planning.

URL navigation for the "Organization" tab has been restricted, ensuring that only users with authorized access can view the tab. Unauthorized users will no longer be able to navigate to the "Organization" tab using URLs.

A significant enhancement has been implemented to strengthen security measures. The URL navigation to the "Organization" tab has been restricted, effectively limiting access solely to users with authorized privileges. This proactive measure safeguards sensitive information and resources within the tab, maintaining data integrity.

Additionally, if an unauthorized user attempts to access the "Organization" tab via URL, they will encounter a comprehensive "Access Denied" message. This message unequivocally communicates their lack of authorization, preventing any potential unauthorized viewing or tampering with confidential data.

The "Supplier" tab now displays the count of suppliers mapped for market trucks, including both default suppliers and other suppliers. Previously, only the count of other suppliers was considered.

In the updated version, the "Supplier" tab has been enhanced to provide a more comprehensive view of supplier mapping for market trucks. Now, the tab displays the total count of suppliers that are mapped for market trucks, encompassing both default suppliers and other suppliers.

This is a departure from the previous setup, where only the count of "other" suppliers was taken into account. With this improvement, users can gain a clearer understanding of the complete supplier mapping scenario for market trucks. This inclusive count takes into consideration default suppliers that play a significant role in the operations alongside the other suppliers.