Release 1.01

  1. Data in All trips tab can be filtered based on trip status and status wise timestamp.
  2. Creating indent easily using Lane code by selecting Lane code from organization > Lane. Admin have access to creating Lane code.
  3. After the LR Number has been generated, admin has the access to edit.
  4. Adding Invoice No while LR Update.
  5. Truck in Intransit status are permitted to confirm indents however, they are unable to make updates until the completion of their previous trips.
  6. The global customer filter is implemented across all tabs on the Accounts page.
  7. Trips can created as Direct invoice, so that created trips directly moved to POD pending without tracking, where it will used for short distance trips.
  8. While invoicing, if Previous payment request is pending, invoice cannot be done without closing payment request and display Error message as previous payment request pending.
  9. Invoice number will be generated based on the customer series configured in the organization tab by admin.

The global customer filter is implemented across all tabs on the Accounts page

 In Desk user can filter data using Global filter near the profile icon. In Accounts tab, Trips can filter based on customer name by names selected in global filter. It will affect in all tabs except POD Approve and Payments in Supplier tab.

The data in the "All trips" tab can be filtered based on trip status and status wise timestamp

 Using this filter, User can able to filter trips based on their status and date of updation. This will works based on trip status and date (start and end date)  selected by the user. Eg : Status as Confirmed ,Start date  as  : 26-Jun-2023 and End date : 26-June-2023,Then it display trips that had confirmed on selected dates.

After the LR Number has been generated, admin has the access to edit

 LR Number can edited even after POD had updated. Updated LR can edited by clicking edit icon in Action column under LR section in Trip detail Page. Then LR Edit module will appear where user can edit LR number and LR updated date. Note : Same LR No cannot able to update.

Adding Invoice No while LR Update

 Invoice no can able to update manually when LR had  Updated. New field in LR update page named as  Invoice, where user can update Invoice no that will display in all places where LR no  displayed in Trip detail page and also in Accounts tab.

Invoice number will be generated based on the customer series configured in the organization tab by admin

While Invoicing trip user can able to generate random invoice no based on the company address selected. Invoice no can be configured in organization tab based on company address. In Address Tab user can add their Company address  by Selecting Add Address button. Admin and BM role only had access to  create or edit company address. For entering invoice series, click edit icon in series column -> Series List module will appear, Click Add Row button -> Update all data what series need to come.          

After created now it will generate invoice no automatically based on data given in series field in Address tab. Created invoice no will display in  Customer Balance tab and in Trip detail Page.

Truck in Intransit status are permitted to confirm indents; however, they are unable to make updates until the completion of their previous trips

 User can allow to confirm Intransit status trucks to confirm Indent and also for direct Loads. If truck is in Intransit status allows to confirm load  but not able to update trip status. Trip can updated only when truck comes to Waiting for Load or That truck contains no previous ongoing trips. If Intransit status trucks had selected, In trip updation(Timestamp), display previous trip Id and it will navigate the user to ongoing trip by clicking trip id in timestamp.

Trips can created as Direct invoice, so that created trips directly moved to POD pending without tracking, where it will used for short distance trips

 Trip can created as direct invoice by selecting Direct Invoice tab in Create Indent page. All data can update as existing in direct invoice. User can create multiple direct invoice trips max limit of 10. In this type of trips goes directly to POD Pending status without giving any status updation. Direct Invoice trips can created by update all data based on their fields and click Create Direct Invoice Button. After button had clicked Invoice module will display where user can invoice the created trips. After invoice Trip moves directly to Customer balance tab where user can pay customer balance.

Creating indent easily using Lane code by selecting Lane code from organization > Lane. Admin have access to creating Lane code

In Trip creation, user can create Indent, Direct Load or Create Direct Invoice Trips by entering keywords in Lane code Field. First user need to create Customer Lane as existing. After created move to Organization tab and navigate to Lane tab. In Lane tab it display all created Lanes based on customer name. Here user can add code name in Code column (any data type can applicable). User can add by clicking edit button in Code column.

After updated user can able to create trips by selecting lane code. Admin and BM role employees only Had access to  Editing Lane Code.

While invoicing, if Previous payment request is pending, invoice cannot be done without closing payment request and display Error message as previous payment request pending.

 In customer Invoice, if any request had not processed then not able to submit invoice Shows error message as ' Close the below pending request ' and displays pending request list. User can allow to process invoice only after all request payments had done.