Indent Confirmation

How to Confirm Created Indent :

Step 1 :

Create Indent (

Step 2 :

  1. After creating an indent, it appears in the 'Indent' tab.
  2. Users can confirm the indent for a specific supplier by clicking the 'Load Confirmation' button.
  3. Clicking the 'Load Confirmation' button opens the 'Confirm Load' page.

Step 3 :

  1. Here Users can allocate a truck, driver, and supervisor for the trip in the confirmation page.
  2. The confirmation page allows setting the trip price for both the supplier and the customer.
  3. Users can input the advance and balance amounts for both the supplier and the customer.
  4. After updating all mandatory information, the user can convert the indent to a trip by clicking the "Confirm Load" button located at the bottom.

Following Table will helps to know more about Indent confirmation Screen

Field Names Description
Truck no Users can assign a truck for the created indent, choosing from any category such as Own, Attached, or Market.
Driver User can select Driver for the trip.
Supervisor Allocate Supervisor for the trip.
Booked By Booked by employee can selected
Supplier The supplier for the trip can be selected.
Supplier Contact The contact details for the selected supplier can be chosen.
Customer/Supplier Price The customer/Supplier price for the trip can be updated or left unchanged, as previously entered in the indent.
Customer/Supplier advance The advance amount for both the supplier and customer can be adjusted based on a percentage.
Customer On-Delivery Here, the user can input the amount that the customer will provide during the delivery.
Customer Pay driver The customer pays the driver.
Customer Pays Supplier Here, the user can update the amount that they pay directly to the supplier.
Customer/Supplier POD Balance The balance amounts of the supplier and customer will be calculated automatically and shown.
Invoice To The customer names are displayed, and the user can select any of the customers to generate an invoice.
Customer/Supplier Credit Days The user can enter the credit days for both the customer and the supplier, with a maximum limit of 30 days.
Pay To Payment to the supplier or truck owner.
Account Number Account number of the supplier or truck owner based on selected in the pay to field
POD Type The POD (Proof of Delivery) type for the trip can be selected as Soft, Hard, or No POD.