Release 2.6.0

  1. Added new columns Add and reduce charges in column configuration in Supplier Balance tab
  2. Introduced of "Manual" Tab in E-Way Bill Section
  3. Supplier Document Slide Show Feature
  4. PDF File Upload Support Added to All Image Upload Sections
  5. New Filters Added to In-Transit Tab for Enhanced Trip Data Analysis
  6. User Interface (UI) Improvements on Maps
  7. Enhanced City Search with Pin Code Name Support
  8. Post To Supplier Enhancement
  9. Added New Enhancement in Pod-Pending Tab Soft Pod Verify
  10. Removal of "Truncate" Functionality Across the Application
  11. Supplier's Ability to Select Truck and Truck Location During Bidding

Added new columns Add and reduce charges in column configuration in Supplier Balance Tab

In this release, introduced two new columns, "Add Charges" and "Reduce Charges," to the column configuration options. These additions provide you with greater flexibility and control over your data by allowing you to include these columns in your data display.

Introduced of "Manual " Tab in E-Way Bill Section

This feature allows you to access and manage a list of E-Way Bills that have been manually created. It simplifies the tracking and organization of E-Way Bills generated outside of automated processes.


  1. Enhanced Organization: Keep track of E-Way Bills generated manually in a separate, easy-to-access tab.
  2. Simplified Management: Streamline the handling of E-Way Bills that were not generated through automated processes.
  3. Efficient Record Keeping: Ensure that manually created E-Way Bills are efficiently recorded and accounted for within your system.

Supplier Document Slide Show Feature

Now, user can conveniently view and navigate through your supplier documents using a slide show presentation format, enhancing user's document management experience.


  1. Quickly and conveniently review multiple supplier documents without the need for manual navigation.
  2. Easily focus on one document at a time, ensuring a clear and detailed view.
  3. Simplify the process of viewing and assessing supplier documents.

PDF File Upload Support Added to All Image Upload Sections

This feature provides greater flexibility and convenience when handling documents that allows user to upload PDF format files in all image uploading locations within the application.

New Filters Added to In-Transit Tab for Enhanced Trip Data Analysis

In this release, introduced a set of new filters in the In-Transit tab of the tracking section. These filters provide users with powerful tools to analyze trip data based on different criteria, including the number of trips that have been SIM tracked, trips with pending consent, online trips (on-time trips), and delay trips (both greater than 24 hours and less than 24 hours).

Key Features:

  1. SIM Tracked Filter:
  2. Users can now filter trip data to view only those trips that have been SIM tracked, providing insights into this specific subset of trips.
  3. Consent Pending Filter:
  4. The "Consent Pending" filter allows users to isolate trips with pending consent, streamlining the consent management process.
  5. Online Trips Filter:
  6. This filter allows users to focus on trips that have been completed on time, providing an overview of on-time performance.
  7. Delay Trips Filters (Greater and Less than 24 Hours):
  8. Users can now separate and analyze delay trips based on whether they exceeded 24 hours or were less than 24 hours late.

User Interface (UI) Improvements on Maps

In this release, we are pleased to announce a series of User Interface (UI) enhancements for the maps within our application. These improvements have been designed to create a more intuitive and user-friendly experience when working with maps.

Enhanced City Search with Pin Code Name Support

Implemented a valuable enhancement that allows users to search for cities by entering their corresponding pin code names. This feature has been integrated in Indent Creation section, providing a more versatile and user-friendly search experience.

City Search by Pin Code Name:

  1. Users can now search for cities by entering the name of their pin code in addition to the city name itself.
  2. This feature facilitates more efficient city searches and helps users quickly locate the desired location.

Post To Supplier Enhancement

1. When a user creates the indent, the 'Post to Supplier' checkbox is checked by default. If you want to post the indent to the supplier, user should check the checkbox. This will reflect it to the supplier.

2. If user do not want to post it, leave the checkbox unchecked. This indent should not be reflected to the supplier.

Added New Enhancement in Pod-Pending Tab Soft Pod Verify

In Pod Pending, introduced a new feature called Soft and Hard Pod Verification:

  1. If the Pod Type is Soft, it will only display the Soft Pod section and hide the Hard Pod section if not verified.

  2. Any role can upload the POD soft copy before verification.

  3.Soft copy verification of the Pod file is mandatory for each LR

  4. (Admin, BM, Billing) can only modify files and charges until the status is closed.

  5. Billing roles should only display the 'verify' button to verify the soft or hard Pod.

  6. Admin and BM roles have Verify and Approve access.

Removal of "Truncate" Functionality Across the Application

  1.In all application tabs, we have removed the truncate.

  2.Now users can conveniently view the data without truncate.

Supplier's Ability to Select Truck and Truck Location During Bidding

Suppliers can now actively participate by selecting both the truck and its location when submitting their bids. This feature empowers suppliers to provide more accurate and competitive bids.

Key Features:

  1. Truck Selection:
  2. Suppliers can choose a specific truck from their fleet to submit with their bid, ensuring that the appropriate vehicle is assigned to the job.
  3. Truck Location Selection:
  4. Suppliers can specify the current location of the selected truck. This information helps in estimating transportation costs more accurately.