Release 2.11.0

  1. Enhanced Supplier Details in Accounts > Supplier tab : Supplier Account Number and IFSC Code Included with Excel Downloads.
  2. Update Trip Status named 'Closed', Restricts Payment Creation and Modification.
  3. Restriction on Creating Driver-Related Charges After Salary Processed.
  4. Addition of "Profit/Loss" Column with Detailed Calculation in All Trips Tab and in Supplier Payment Tab.

Enhanced Supplier Details in Accounts > Supplier tab : Supplier Account Number and IFSC Code Included with Excel Downloads.

This update the user experience within the Accounts > Supplier tab by providing direct access to crucial supplier accounting information, specifically Supplier Account Numbers and IFSC Codes, while processing advances. Users can now seamlessly view and utilize these essential details during the advance processing workflow.

In this update, a new restriction has been implemented regarding driver-related charges following the payment of driver salaries. Once a driver's salary has been disbursed, users are restricted from creating or modifying any charges associated with that particular driver, ensuring financial integrity and accurate record-keeping.

Key Features:

  1. Driver Salary Payment Validation: Upon successful payment of a driver's salary, the system initiates a restriction for any subsequent creation or modification of charges linked to that specific driver.
  2. Restriction on Driver-Related Charges: Users will encounter limitations preventing the creation or modification of charges directly associated with a driver for whom the salary has been paid.

Update Trip Status named 'Closed', Restricts Payment Creation and Modification.

In this update, a new trip status labeled 'Closed' has been introduced to enhance the management and control of trips within the system. Once a trip is marked as 'Closed,' significant restrictions are imposed on payment-related actions, ensuring user cannot able to make further action related to payments includes for all Supplier, Customer and Driver.

Also pay buttons in trip detail page will hide once status changed. But user can allowed

Key Features:

  1. 'Closed' Trip Status: A 'Closed' status option has been added to the trip lifecycle. This status signifies that a trip has reached its endpoint and is considered finalized.
  2. Payment Modification Restrictions: Following the closure of a trip, users are restricted from making any modifications to payments associated with that specific trip. This includes edits to payment details, amounts, or payment creation.
  3. Payment Creation Restrictions: Users will no longer be able to create new payments related to a trip once it has been marked as 'Closed.' This prevents any additional financial transactions or entries after the trip's closure.

Addition of "Profit/Loss" Column with Detailed Calculation in All Trips Tab and in Supplier Payment Tab

New "Profit/Loss" column in the "All" tab within the Trips section and in Accounts > Supplier payment section, offering comprehensive financial insights into each trip's performance. With this update, users can now effortlessly track and analyze their trips' profitability, empowering them to make informed decisions for future reference.

Calculation Methodology:

The "Profit/Loss" calculation is derived using the following formula:

Calculation of C.Amount (Customer Amount):

C.Amount = C.Price + C.Charges

Where C.Price represents the price charged to the Customer and C.Charges denote additional Customer-specific charges.

Calculation of S.Amount (Supplier Amount):

S.Amount = S.Price + S.Charges

Where S.Price stands for the price Paid to the supplier and S.Charges refer to supplementary supplier charges.

Expense : Refers to all costs incurred during the trip.

Profit Calculation (excluding Supplier TDS):

Profit = Customer.Amount - Supplier.Amount - Expense (excluding Supplier TDS)

Here, the Profit is computed by deducting the Supplier Amount (S.Amount) and overall expenses from the Client Amount (C.Amount), excluding the Supplier TDS.

The "Profit/Loss" column will display positive values for profits in Green color and negative values for losses in Red Color. This visual representation allows users to quickly assess each trip's financial performance.