Release 1.1.2

  1. The new Traffic and Supervisor role Employee Filter option has been added under the employee filter in the trip filter section of the tracking system. This feature allows users to filter trips based on the employee they are assigned to, specifically targeting the traffic and supervisor roles.
  2. The employee filter in the trucks tab is now available for users in the admin role.
  3. Implemented restrictions for employees with the Supplier Relationship Manager (SRM) role, ensuring they have appropriate access and privileges within the system.
  4. Supplier Advance sheet download in Accounts > Supplier > Payments.
  5. Trips can be invoiced without requiring Proof of Delivery (POD). This can be achieved by selecting the "No POD" type in the Organization tab, Customer level configuration, and also during trip confirmation. With this option enabled, invoices can be generated for trips even when there is no associated POD documentation.
  6. The Direct Invoice module is designed to generate invoices exclusively for users with the Admin role. This ensures that only administrators have direct access to creating invoice trips within the system.
  7. Users now have the ability to create Full CPS (Customer Pay Supplier) trips, which allow for direct payment from customers to suppliers. These trips are specifically designed to facilitate transactions between customers and suppliers, eliminating the need for any intermediary payment processes. With this feature, users can seamlessly create trips that enable direct payments from customers to suppliers.
  8. A new High Price filter has been added to the All tab in the trips section. This filter allows users to view trips where the supplier price exceeds the configured supplier target price in the customer lane.
  9. For each edit made to customer and supplier payments, a comment will be added to capture the changes made. This ensures a transparent audit trail and provides a record of any modifications made to payment details for both customers and suppliers.
  10. Supervisor field is no longer mandatory when creating a customer lane. Users can now create lanes without adding a supervisor, providing greater flexibility in the lane creation process.

The new Traffic and Supervisor role Employee Filter option has been added under the employee filter in the trip filter section of the tracking system.

This feature allows users to filter trips based on the employee they are assigned to, specifically targeting the traffic and supervisor roles. This functionality is particularly useful when users need to view assigned trips. For instance, if a supervisor role employee is on leave, the admin can temporarily assign the traffic role employee as the supervisor and assign trips accordingly. By applying the filter in the supervisor role and selecting the specific employee, all trips assigned to that employee under the supervisor role will be displayed, providing visibility and facilitating efficient trip management.

Two radio buttons will now appear under the search field. By selecting the respective role radio button and choosing an employee, users can filter trips based on the selected role. After selecting the employee, clicking the apply button will display trips associated with that role.

For example, while confirming a trip, if a traffic employee is assigned as a supervisor for that trip and confirms it, selecting their name under the supervisor role filter will display data for all the trips they have been assigned to in the supervisor role. This allows for convenient filtering and retrieval of trip information based on specific roles assigned during confirmation.

The employee filter in the trucks tab only for users in the admin role.

This enhancement provides the capability for admin users to efficiently manage and monitor truck assignments for individual employees within the system. By utilizing the employee filter in the trucks tab, admins can easily view trucks that are specifically assigned to each employee. This feature streamlines truck assignment management and allows for better oversight of truck allocations within the organization.

Implemented restrictions for employees with the Supplier Relationship Manager (SRM) role, ensuring they have appropriate access and privileges within the system.

In the Supplier Advance tab, a new column called "Status" has been added to display the trip advance status. By default, the status is set as "Requested." However, when a user in the SRM role verifies the advance payment, the status changes from "Requested" to "Verified." Once the payment has been verified, employees with the admin role can process the advance accordingly. This new feature enhances transparency and streamlines the workflow for managing and verifying advance payments within the system.

To verify trips, follow these steps:

  1. Select the desired trips that need to be verified.
  2. Click on the "Verify" button.
  3. A confirmation module titled "Verify Advance Request" will appear.
  4. In the module, the selected trip IDs will be displayed.
  5. Click the "Verify" button within the confirmation module.
  6. The selected trips will be updated from "Requested" to "Verified" status.
  7. The trips will remain in the Advance tab, reflecting the updated status.

This workflow allows for efficient verification of trip advances, ensuring accurate tracking and management of advance requests

When selecting multiple trips for verification, if any of the selected trips have already been verified, a message will be displayed indicating that those trips have already been verified.

This message serves as a notification to the user, informing them that certain trips in the selection have already undergone the verification process. However, you will still be able to proceed with verifying the remaining trips that have not been previously verified.

Within the Admin role, users have the capability to process advances by clicking on the "Advance" and "Approve" buttons.

  1. Advance Button: When the Advance button is clicked, the payment is processed, and the advance entry is moved to the payment tab as an existing payment.
  2. Approve Button: Clicking on the Approve button completes the supplier payment process, and the corresponding entry is moved to the payment tab. This indicates that the payment to the supplier has been successfully made.

Furthermore, users also have the option to reverse the payment if needed. This allows for the reversal of a payment entry in the payment tab, providing the flexibility to correct any errors or make adjustments as required.

Overall, this functionality provides comprehensive control over the advance payment process, allowing administrators to efficiently process, approve, and manage supplier payments within the system.

Supplier Advance sheet download in Accounts > Supplier > Payments

User can able to download suppliers Ledger by selecting from and to date in date filter in Supplier Payments tab. After selected excel download button will enable. While click on that user can able to download file as excel sheet. In that sheet user can view supplier related data like Truck no as Purc no, Date as Purc date, Invoice no etc..

Trips can be invoiced without requiring POD. This can be achieved by selecting the "No POD" type in the Organization tab, Customer level configuration, and also during trip confirmation.

This new feature allows trips to be invoiced without the need for a Proof of Delivery (POD). This flexibility is configurable by the admin in the organization tab. Admin users now have the ability to specify whether a POD is mandatory or not for invoicing purposes. By configuring the organization settings, including the "NO POD" option, trips that do not require a POD can be easily identified and processed accordingly. Additionally, the system takes into account the truck category configured in the organization tab. Trips associated with specific truck categories exempted from requiring a POD will automatically be identified, further streamlining the invoicing process.

This enhancement offers greater control and adaptability in managing invoicing requirements, providing efficiency and convenience for users handling trips that do not necessitate a Proof of Delivery.

In the organization tab, under the Master tab, a new row labeled "No POD Applies to" has been added. Users can now configure this row by selecting the checkbox next to the truck category names for which they do not require a Proof of Delivery (POD).

Once a truck category is selected, any trips created with that specific truck type will no longer require a POD for invoicing. This streamlined process allows for quicker and more efficient invoice generation for trips associated with the selected truck category, eliminating the need to wait for POD documentation. For No POD trips displays Badge in trip detail page named as No POD.

For example In organization tab no POD configured to Attached trucks, in trip confirmation selected Attached trucks and in POD type, No POD is selected. After this trip gets D-out will not wait in POD Pending tab directly moves to Invoice pending tab in customer and Supplier Balance tab in Supplier and Salary tab in Own trucks. With this option enabled, invoices can be generated for trips even when there is no associated POD documentation.

The Direct Invoice module is designed to generate invoices exclusively for users with the Admin role. This ensures that only administrators have direct access to creating invoice trips within the system.

In the system, users with the Admin role have the privilege to directly invoice trips. However, for employees with other roles, they can create direct invoice trips but do not have the authority to invoice them.

For users with the Admin role, after creating a direct invoice trip, an Invoice Module will generate. They can proceed to invoice the trip by clicking the Submit button within the Invoice Module. This action will change the status of the trip to "Invoiced," indicating that the trip has been successfully invoiced.

On the other hand, for employees with roles other than Admin, when they update all the required data and click the Create Direct Invoice button, trips will be created based on the trip count. However, these trips will move to the "POD Pending" status instead of generating an Invoice Module. Only users with the Admin role have access to the Invoice Module for direct invoicing.

This differentiation in access and functionality allows for proper authorization and control over the invoicing process, ensuring that only authorized users can perform direct invoice actions in the system.

A new High Price filter has been added to the All tab in the trips section. This filter allows users to view trips where the supplier price exceeds the configured supplier target price in the customer lane.

By utilizing the filter in the "S price" column, users can easily identify trips where the supplier's price exceeds the target price set in the specific customer lane. For example, if the supplier price is configured as 45,000 in the customer lane, but during trip confirmation, the supplier price is changed to 50,000, the user can filter and view the high price trips by selecting the filter in the "S price" column. This filter will display the trip with the updated supplier price, allowing users to identify and manage trips where the supplier price exceeds the target price.

Supervisor field is not mandatory when creating a customer lane. Users can now create lanes without adding a supervisor, providing greater flexibility in the lane creation process.

Previously, while creating a customer lane required a mandatory supervisor assignment. However, in the latest update, this requirement has been removed. Now, users have the flexibility to create customer lanes without the need to assign supervisors. This enhancement allows for easier lane creation, particularly in scenarios where supervisor assignment is not necessary or relevant.

Full CPS Trips

Users now have the ability to create Full CPS (Customer Pay Supplier) trips by checking a checkbox on both the Direct Load page and the Trip Confirmation page. By selecting this checkbox, users can create trips where the customer price is set equal to the supplier price. When the Full CPS checkbox is checked, certain fields such as Customer and Supplier Advance, Customer Pay Driver, and POD balance will become read-only and not editable. The customer price entered will directly impact the supplier price, ensuring consistency between the two.

This feature streamlines the process of creating Full CPS trips, eliminating the need for manual entry in certain fields and ensuring accurate pricing alignment between the customer and supplier.

After a trip is confirmed, users have the ability to update it as existing. Full CPS trips can be identified by the Full CPS checkbox checked on the trip detail page. This checkbox is non-editable. In Full CPS trips, users are restricted from creating additional advances for customers and suppliers, as well as creating driver advances and fuel advances. Editing existing charges and creating add or reduce charges is also not possible for Full CPS trips.

However, users can process advances to suppliers as existing. If the advance has been partially paid, the remaining balance (supplier balance) can be paid in the supplier summary section. In the supplier detail page, users can pay the supplier balance and view supplier payments, including the total supplier amount, paid amount, and payable amount in the summary tab.

In the supplier summary, a new column named "Full CPS" displays trips categorized into two types: "Yes" for Full CPS trips and "No" for normal trips. Users can expand these columns by clicking the plus button. In the expanded view, users can pay the supplier amount by clicking the pay button next to the respective trips. Users also have the option to pay all trips for a specific month.

These features enhance the management of Full CPS trips, supplier payments, and provide a comprehensive overview of trip details and payments in the supplier summary section.