
Creating Customer Lanes:

  1. Navigate to Customer Detail Page:

    • Access the customer detail page where you'll manage customer information.
  2. Add Source Location:

    • Click on "Add Location" under the "Location" section.
    • Fill in Source Location details:
      • Source City: Type or select from suggestions.
      • Pincode: Enter the Pincode for accuracy.
      • Loading Point: Input latitude and longitude for precise location.
      • Location Name: Provide a name for easy identification.
      • Supervisor: Assign supervisor(s) if needed.
      • Address: Enter the address details.
  3. Save Source Location:

    • Click "Save" to add the source location.
    • Proceed to add destination details.
  4. Add Destination Location:

    • Fill in Destination Location details:
      • Destination City: Similar steps as source location.
      • Pincode: Input destination Pincode.
      • Loading Point: Provide latitude and longitude.
      • Location Name: Name the destination location.
      • KM (Kilometer): Distance calculation, can be manual or automatic.
      • Trip Days: Estimate duration in days.
      • Address: Enter detailed address.
  5. Save Destination Location:

    • Click "Save" to add the destination location.
    • Enter truck type, customer price, and supplier target price for the lane.
  6. Manage Charges:

    • After saving, review charges for customer, supplier, and driver roles.
    • Click edit icon to modify charges as necessary.
  7. Review Details:

    • Verify all entered details for accuracy.
    • The system displays relevant information such as city name, distance, duration, etc.
  8. Add Multiple Destinations:

    • Click "Add Row" to add more destination lanes.
    • Repeat steps for each additional destination lane.
  9. Edit Destination Details:

    • Use edit icon in the Action column to modify destination lane details.
  10. Add Truck Types:

    • Click "Add Truck" near destination name to add truck types.
    • Input truck type, customer price, and supplier target price.
    • Save the information for each truck type as needed.


Simplifies trip creation for frequently used routes.

Improves efficiency by predefining common routes.

Enhances accuracy with standardized data entry.

Streamlines management of multiple destinations and truck types.