Release 2.2.2

  1. A user with admin access has the capability to edit the existing truck number. Changing the truck number will not have any impact on ongoing trips or previous trips.
  2. Within the organization's Employees tab, the admin has the privilege to view the type of application (Desk or Track) that a particular employee has been using. Additionally, users can also access information about an employee's last login date, displaying the most recent date the employee accessed the application.
  3. While booking customer balances, an admin role employee is granted the access to record the customer balance amount as an advance payment. This enhancement allows the admin to book the balance as an advance, even if the trip has already been invoiced. This feature provides more flexibility in managing customer transactions and facilitates the booking of advance payments for improved financial management.
  4. In the Trucks > Fuel tab > Fuel detail page, users now have the capability to filter fuel requests by searching for a specific truck number in the "Truck" column. This enhancement allows for easier and more efficient access to fuel-related information for a particular truck, streamlining the fuel management process.
  5. In the Accounts tab, across all sub-tabs, users now have the convenience of selecting all trips at once by using a "Check All" checkbox located near the "Trip ID" title. The "Check All" checkbox will only be visible if there are already some trips selected. This enhancement greatly improves user efficiency by enabling them to quickly select multiple trips for various tasks, such as processing Proof of Delivery (POD), approving PODs, handling supplier or customer payments, or managing driver-related payments. By reducing the time spent on manually selecting multiple trips, this feature significantly streamlines the workflow and enhances productivity for employees.
  6. In the Trips > POD Pending tab, users can now upload trip PODs directly like in Track. They can also upload PODs for multiple trips simultaneously by selecting the respective trip checkboxes near the Trip ID. This enhancement improves efficiency and user experience when managing trip PODs.
  7. In the Supplier tab, users can access and view supplier documents using the "Document Preview" button located in the action column. If there are no documents available, only users with an admin role will have the access to upload supplier documents directly from the same interface. However, for other roles, employees will be allowed to upload documents using existing files, as seen in the supplier detail page.
  8. In the Supplier tab, the "Approve Supplier" action should only be allowed if all required documents (Pan, Account, and TDS documents) have been uploaded for that particular supplier. Users should not be able to approve the supplier unless all the necessary documents are present and uploaded successfully. This ensures that all relevant documentation is complete before the approval process, promoting compliance and accuracy in supplier management.
  9. In the Accounts > Customer > Customer Balance tab, pagination is now implemented, separating trips into pages of up to 100 entries each. The trips are sorted based on the trip ID in descending order, with the most recently updated trip displayed first. This enhances the organization and usability of customer balances for efficient trip management.
  10. While creating additional advances for customers in the trip detail page, the customer request module has undergone changes. The user interface (UI) has been standardized, making it common for both customer payments and the customer request module. This enhancement brings uniformity to the UI, improving user experience and making it easier for users to navigate and interact with the system when managing customer transactions and advance payments.
  11. Users with admin roles have the privilege to delete both customers and suppliers from their respective tabs. This feature empowers administrators to remove unnecessary or outdated data related to customers and suppliers, allowing for better data management and ensuring that the database remains accurate and up-to-date. With this capability, admins can efficiently handle data cleanup and maintain a more organized and relevant database for the organization.
  12. The column configuration UI now allows users to select specific sub-columns within a parent column, and they can clear all applied settings with the "Reset" button at the bottom. Additionally, users can easily display all columns by selecting the "Visible" checkbox at the top.

Users with admin access possess the capability to modify the truck number associated with a particular truck. It is important to note that altering the truck number will not affect ongoing trips or previous trips. The change will solely be limited to the truck number update, ensuring that the historical and ongoing trip data remains unaffected.

When a user is granted admin access, they gain the capability to edit the truck number on the truck detail page. To facilitate this process, a new edit icon will be displayed next to the current truck number, allowing the admin to easily modify the truck number.

Once the admin clicks on the edit icon and updates the truck number, the changes will be immediately reflected in all relevant places throughout the system. This includes the trip detail page, where the new truck number will be displayed for all future trips. Moreover, the modification will also retroactively affect previous trips, updating them to reflect the newly assigned truck number.

Additionally, ongoing trips will be impacted as well. If a trip is in progress when the truck number is edited, the system will dynamically update the ongoing trip's details to use the newly modified truck number. This ensures consistency and accuracy in real-time tracking and monitoring of the fleet.

Within the organization's Employees tab, the admin has the privilege to view the type of application (Desk or Track) that a particular employee has been using. Additionally, users can also access information about an employee's last login date, displaying the most recent date the employee accessed the application.

Under the organization's Employees tab, the user is granted the privilege to access specific details about each employee's application usage. This includes information about the type of application an employee has been utilizing, which can be either "Desk" or "Track." in the new column title named as Application Name.

In addition to the application type, the admin can also retrieve data related to an employee's last login date. This valuable information shows the most recent date on which the employee accessed the application, giving insights into their activity and ensuring that the application is being actively used.

With this level of visibility and tracking, the admin can efficiently monitor employee engagement with the organization's applications. By knowing which type of application each employee is using and when they last logged in, the admin can identify patterns, assess usage trends, and ensure that the tools provided are being effectively utilized by the employees.

This comprehensive view of application usage and login data empowers the admin to make informed decisions, manage resources effectively, and optimize the organization's workflow, ultimately leading to increased productivity and seamless operations.

While booking customer balances, an admin role employee is granted the access to record the customer balance amount as an advance payment. This enhancement allows the admin to book the balance as an advance, even if the trip has already been invoiced. This feature provides more flexibility in managing customer transactions and facilitates the booking of advance payments for improved financial management.

With the latest enhancement in the booking process, an admin role employee now has the privilege to record customer balance amounts as advance payments by selecting type as Advance in balance module. By default it shows as balance. If user process type as balance amount will processed as balance.

This new capability offers increased flexibility in managing customer transactions, as it allows the admin to book the balance as an advance payment, even if the trip has already been invoiced.

Previously, once a trip was invoiced, any remaining balance could not be treated as an advance payment in the system. However, with this improvement, the admin can easily apply customer payments as advances, regardless of the trip's invoicing status. This feature proves to be highly beneficial for improved financial management, enabling businesses to handle customer transactions more efficiently and accurately.

By being able to record advance payments even after invoicing, companies can better handle scenarios where customers make partial payments or pre-pay for future services. This enhancement streamlines financial operations and ensures that customer balances are accurately tracked within the system.

Overall, this enhancement empowers admin role employees to take more control over customer transactions and enhances the financial management capabilities of the organization, ultimately leading to a smoother and more streamlined booking process.

In the Trucks > Fuel tab > Fuel detail page, a new and valuable enhancement has been introduced, providing users with the capability to search for fuel requests using a specific truck number in the "Truck" column. This exciting feature significantly improves the accessibility and efficiency of retrieving fuel-related information for a particular truck, ultimately streamlining the entire fuel management process.

With this enhancement, users no longer have to manually scroll through extensive lists of fuel requests to find the details associated with a particular truck. Instead, they can simply input the specific truck number they are interested in within the search filter. The system will promptly filter and display all relevant fuel requests exclusively related to that designated truck.

This functionality empowers fleet managers, administrators, and relevant personnel to quickly and conveniently access fuel data specific to individual trucks.

In the Accounts tab, a significant improvement has been implemented across all sub-tabs, providing users with the added convenience of selecting all trips simultaneously using a "Check All" checkbox conveniently placed near the "Trip ID" title. This remarkable enhancement allows users to streamline their workflow and boost efficiency by swiftly selecting multiple trips for various tasks.

The "Check All" checkbox is thoughtfully designed to be visible only when there are trips that have already been selected. This smart feature ensures that users can benefit from its efficiency gains when dealing with tasks like processing Proof of Delivery (POD) documents, approving PODs, handling supplier or customer payments, or managing driver-related payments.

By using the "Check All" checkbox, users can instantly select all trips displayed on the current page, eliminating the need for manual selection one by one. This not only saves time but also minimizes the risk of oversight or errors in the selection process, enhancing accuracy and reliability in accounts-related operations.

For example, when processing a batch of invoices or payments for multiple trips, users can now perform bulk actions more efficiently. Additionally, they can quickly cross-reference and verify selected trips before proceeding with various financial transactions or approvals.

In the Trips > POD Pending tab, users can now upload trip PODs directly like in Track. They can also upload PODs for multiple trips simultaneously by selecting the respective trip checkboxes near the Trip ID. This enhancement improves efficiency and user experience when managing trip PODs.

In the Trips > POD Pending tab, an exciting new enhancement has been implemented, allowing users to directly upload trip Proof of Delivery (POD) documents, similar to the functionality available in the Track section. This feature greatly improves efficiency and user experience when managing trip PODs.

With this enhancement, users no longer need to navigate to multiple pages or undergo complex processes to upload PODs for individual trips. Instead, they can conveniently upload POD documents directly within the Trips > POD Pending tab, streamlining the entire process.

Moreover, users now have the added benefit of uploading PODs for multiple trips simultaneously. By selecting the respective trip checkboxes near the Trip ID, they can choose multiple trips at once and upload their corresponding POD documents in a single action. This bulk upload capability saves time and effort, particularly when dealing with a large number of pending PODs.

The enhanced functionality significantly improves the efficiency of managing trip PODs, providing a seamless experience for users. It empowers them to efficiently handle and update PODs for various trips, enhancing overall workflow and productivity.

By simplifying the POD upload process and enabling bulk actions, this enhancement ensures that users can dedicate more time to other critical tasks and decision-making processes. It enhances the overall user experience, making trip POD management a smooth and hassle-free aspect of the operational workflow.

In the Supplier tab, users can access and view supplier documents using the "Document Preview" button located in the action column.

In the Supplier tab, users have the convenience of accessing and viewing supplier documents through the "Document Preview" button, which is conveniently located in the action column. This feature allows users to quickly review any available supplier-related documents for their reference or verification purposes.

However, the ability to upload supplier documents directly from the same interface depends on the user's role. For users with an admin role, they will have the privilege to upload supplier documents directly, even if no documents are currently available. This enables admins to efficiently manage and organize supplier-related files, ensuring all necessary documents are properly recorded and accessible.

On the other hand, for users with roles other than admin, they will still be permitted to upload documents, but with a slight difference in the process. Instead of uploading documents directly from the Supplier tab, these employees will be able to utilize existing files when adding or updating supplier information in the supplier detail page.

In the Supplier tab, the "Approve Supplier" action should only be allowed if all required documents (Pan, Account, and TDS documents) have been uploaded for that particular supplier. Users should not be able to approve the supplier unless all the necessary documents are present and uploaded successfully.

In the Supplier tab, an essential control has been implemented to ensure that the "Approve Supplier" action is only permitted if all the required documents, including Pan, Account, and TDS documents, have been successfully uploaded for that specific supplier. This stringent requirement ensures that users cannot approve a supplier until all the necessary documents are present and verified, promoting compliance and accuracy in supplier management.

By enforcing this restriction, the system guarantees that suppliers undergo a comprehensive verification process before being approved. This prevents any oversight or incomplete documentation, reducing the risk of approving suppliers without essential information and legal compliance.

Before the "Approve Supplier" action becomes available for selection, the system thoroughly checks for the presence and validation of each mandatory document for the specific supplier. If any of the required documents are missing or incomplete, the "Approve Supplier" option will remain inaccessible, prompting the user to address any outstanding documentations first. for example if PAN file is not uploaded, but a user attempts to approve the supplier by clicking the "Approve" button, the Approve module will display a message indicating that the user must upload the PAN file before proceeding with the approval process. This user-friendly feature ensures that all necessary documents are present before granting approval, promoting compliance and accuracy in supplier management.

The message displayed in the Approve module will inform the user about the missing PAN file and instruct them to navigate to the supplier detail page to upload the required documents. By clicking on the message, the user will be redirected to the supplier detail page, where they can easily upload the necessary files to complete the approval process.

In the Accounts > Customer > Customer Balance tab, pagination is now implemented, separating trips into pages of up to 100 entries each. The trips are sorted based on the trip ID in descending order, with the most recently updated trip displayed first. This enhances the organization and usability of customer balances for efficient trip management.

In the Accounts > Customer > Customer Balance tab, a recent update has been introduced, implementing pagination to organize the displayed trips more efficiently. With this enhancement, trips are now separated into pages, each containing up to 100 entries. This thoughtful design ensures a smoother user experience, making it easier to navigate and manage customer balances.

The trips within each page are sorted based on the trip ID in descending order, with the most recently updated trip displayed first. This sorting scheme allows users to quickly identify the latest activity and updates related to customer balances. It enables them to promptly focus on recent transactions, track changes, and handle any pending actions with ease.

While creating additional advances for customers in the trip detail page, the customer request module has undergone changes. The user interface (UI) has been standardized, making it common for both customer payments and the customer request module.

In the trip detail page, when creating additional advances for customers, the customer request module has undergone significant changes. The user interface (UI) has been standardized, resulting in a common and consistent design for both customer payments and the customer request module. This enhancement brings a new level of uniformity to the UI, vastly improving the user experience and making it easier for users to navigate and interact with the system when managing customer transactions and advance payments.

The standardized UI ensures that users can easily understand and operate the customer request module when generating additional advances for customers. It eliminates the need for additional training or learning new interfaces, saving time and reducing the chances of errors in transaction processing.

The privilege for admins to delete both customers and suppliers from their respective tabs is a powerful feature that enhances data management within the organization. This capability empowers administrators to efficiently remove unnecessary or outdated data, which is crucial for maintaining an accurate and up-to-date database.

With this feature, admins can take charge of data cleanup tasks, ensuring that the database remains relevant and organized. By removing obsolete or duplicate customer and supplier records, they can streamline the data storage, making it easier for users to access and manage the most relevant information.

Admins can use this capability to keep the database tidy and optimize system performance. Removing outdated or redundant records not only saves storage space but also ensures that users can quickly find and work with the most current and pertinent data.

Moreover, data accuracy is vital for making informed decisions. By allowing admins to delete old or irrelevant customer and supplier data, the organization can maintain a high level of data integrity, which is essential for conducting business efficiently and effectively.

Overall, this feature empowers admins to take control of data management, keeping the database accurate and well-organized. It promotes better decision-making, improves system performance, and contributes to the overall productivity of the organization.

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