Release 2.17.0

  1. Introducing Cancelled Status Filter in All Trips Tab.
  2. Enhancement: Displaying Date with Time in Trips Tab and in Excel Downloads.
  3. Trip Fuel and Driver Cash Limit Report Enhancement.
  4. Comment Visibility in Action Tab.
  5. Truck Creation Enhancement - Special Character Restriction.
  6. License Expiry Date Display and Driver Name Addition in Track while file Upload.
  7. Automated Mamul Calculation for Supplier Price Editing

Introducing Cancelled Status Filter in All Trips Tab.

A new "Cancelled" status filter has been introduced in the "All Trips" tab within the Trips tab, allowing users to easily view and access cancelled (deleted) trips by selecting the corresponding filter option.

Also user, can navigate to trip detail page by clicking Trip id from the filtered data.

Enhancement: Displaying Date with Time in Trips Tab and in Excel Downloads

1. Trips Tab Interface :

  In the Trips tab of the system interface, users can now view timestamps with both date and time.

  The enhanced interface provides a more detailed and comprehensive overview of trip information, including trip creation and modification timestamps.

2. Timestamp Format :

  Timestamps are displayed in a standardized format, showing the date followed by the time in hours, minutes, and seconds (e.g., "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM").

  This format ensures clarity and consistency across all trip-related data displayed in the Trips tab.

Enhanced Timestamps in Excel Downloads:

  When users download trip data in Excel format, the exported file now includes timestamps with both date and time.

  This enhancement allows users to analyze trip data more effectively, leveraging the additional time information for reporting and analysis purposes.

Trip Fuel and Driver Cash Limit Report Enhancement

In this release, implemented significant enhancements to the Trip Fuel and Driver Cash Limit Report, providing users with detailed insights into excess cash amounts and trip details with Excel Download. Users can now access this report through the "Driver & Fuel Cash Limit" section under Analytics > Reports.

1. Detailed Trip Information :

 Users can now access detailed trip information in the report, including Trip ID, Source, Destination, Customer, Driver Name, Driver Limit Amount (configured amount), Driver Actual Amount, Fuel Limit Amount (configured amount), and Excess Amount.

How to Use:

1. Navigate to Analytics > Reports > Driver & Fuel Cash Limit.

2. Select the desired date range or filters to refine the report results.

3. Review the detailed trip information displayed, including trip ID, source, destination, customer, driver details, and cash limit amounts.

4. Identify any excess cash amounts and take necessary actions as per business requirements.


Enhanced Visibility: Users gain enhanced visibility into trip details and excess cash amounts, enabling better decision-making and financial management.

Comment Visibility in Action Tab

In this release, introduced a significant enhancement to the user interface, allowing users to view trip comments directly from the Action column in Accounts tab. With this update, users can effortlessly access all trip-related comments without navigating to the trip detail page.

Key Features:

Comment Icon in Action Column:

  1. A comment icon has been added to the Action column for each trip in the tabular view.
  2. Users can easily identify trips with comments by the presence of this icon.

Instant Access to Comments:

  1. By clicking on the comment icon within the Action column, users can instantly view all comments associated with the respective trip.
  2. There's no need to navigate to the trip detail page, streamlining the comment viewing process and saving time.

Truck Creation Enhancement - Special Character Restriction

In this release, implemented an enhancement to the truck creation functionality to restrict users from using special characters when creating a new truck. This improvement ensures data integrity and consistency across the system by preventing the inclusion of special characters and empty Spaces in truck names.

Key Features:

1. Special Character Validation :

  When creating a new truck, the system now validates the truck no input to ensure it does not contain any special characters.

  Special characters such as !@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"<>?[]\;',./`~ are not permitted in the truck name field.

2. Error Messaging :

  If a user attempts to create a truck with special characters in the truck no, an error message will be displayed, notifying the user that special characters are not allowed.

  The error message prompts the user to enter a valid truck name without special characters.


Data Integrity: Ensures that truck names adhere to standard naming conventions without the inclusion of special characters, maintaining data integrity within the system. Also avoid duplicate entries in the system.

User-Friendly Validation: Provides users with clear feedback and guidance by displaying error messages when attempting to create a truck with special characters.

Consistency: Promotes consistency in truck naming conventions across the system, facilitating easier management and identification of trucks.

License Expiry Date Display and Driver Name Addition in Track while file Upload

Two significant enhancements to improve user experience and data visibility within the system. Users can now view the license expiry date alongside the license number for enhanced tracking, and driver names will be included when uploading in track in upload File module.

Key Features :

1. License Expiry Date Display :

  License expiry dates are now displayed alongside the license numbers in relevant sections such as truck details.

  Users can easily track license validity without the need for additional navigation or searches.

2. Driver Name Addition in Track Upload :

  When uploading tracks in the File module, driver names are now included as part of the upload process.

  This addition provides context and clarity to track records, making it easier to identify tracks associated with specific drivers.

Benefits :

Enhanced Tracking: Displaying license expiry dates alongside license numbers improves tracking and ensures timely license renewals.

Improved Data Context: Including driver names in track uploads adds context and clarity to track records, facilitating easier identification and management.

Streamlined Workflow: Users can quickly access pertinent information without the need for additional searches or manual cross-referencing, streamlining workflow efficiency.

Automated Mamul Calculation for Supplier Price Editing

In this release, introduce an automated Mamul calculation feature when editing supplier prices. With this enhancement, Mamul values will be calculated automatically based on pre-configured settings, eliminating the need for manual entry and ensuring accuracy and efficiency in the pricing process.

Key Features:

1.Automated Mamul Calculation:

  When editing supplier prices, Mamul values will be calculated automatically by the system.

  Mamul calculation is based on pre-configured settings, including markup percentages, discounts, or other pricing algorithms defined by the user or system administrator.

How it Works:

1. Edit Supplier Price:

  Navigate to the supplier price editing interface within the system.

  Update the price for the respective supplier item as needed.

2. Automated Mamul Calculation:

  Upon updating the supplier price, Mamul values will be recalculated automatically by the system.

  The calculated Mamul value will reflect the configured pricing rules, ensuring consistency and accuracy in pricing across the system.


Efficiency: Eliminates the need for manual Mamul entry, saving time and effort for users.

Accuracy: Automated calculation ensures Mamul values are determined accurately based on predefined calculations, reducing the risk of errors.

Consistency: Ensures consistent pricing practices across the system, aligning with configured pricing rules and standards.