Release 2.21.0

  1. New Customer Status (Active and In-Active).
  2. Introducing Tracking person field in Market Category Truck.
  3. Truck swap access for all roles before S-out.
  4. Displaying Invoice Numbers in the Desk.
  5. Intransit Tab Access for Regional Sourcing Role Employees.
  6. Inclusion of Indent ID in All Trips Tab Subtabs.
  7. Customer PAN Search in Customer Tab.

New Customer Status (Active and In-Active).

Introducing Enhanced Customer Status Management.

Users can now designate customers as 'Active' or 'Inactive.'

Only active status customers are available for selection during Indent creation and in direct Trip creation.

Inactive customers cannot be selected to prevent unintended choices.

Admin users have exclusive access to change customer statuses.

Users can conveniently modify customer statuses directly on the Customer page itself.

Newly created customers default to an active status for streamlined workflows.

Introducing a New Tracking Person Field in Market Category Trucks.

In the Truck section, a new enhancement has been implemented within the Market Category Trucks tab.

A new column named "Tracking Person" has been added, facilitating the assignment of tracking role employees to specific trucks.

Users can easily designate a tracking person for each truck, enhancing tracking and management capabilities within the Market Category Trucks section.

Truck swap access for all roles before S-out.

Prior to S-out (start of the trip), all role employees have editing access for trucks.

After S-out, only users with admin role privileges can edit trucks.

Once a trip has started, editing privileges are restricted to admin role employees.

Note: Once a loading receipt (LR) is uploaded, even admin role employees cannot edit. Editing is only permitted after the LR is deleted.

Displaying Invoice Numbers in the Desk

In the desk view, all uploaded invoice numbers from both manual LR and E-LR will be displayed in the designated "Invoice" column.

This enhancement ensures comprehensive visibility of all invoice numbers associated with the transactions, providing users with a complete overview of invoicing details within the desk interface.

Intransit Tab Access for Regional Sourcing Role Employees

In this release a significant update for employees in the regional sourcing role: access to the Intransit tab. This enhancement aims to streamline communication, collaboration, and information sharing within the organization.

Inclusion of Indent ID in All Trips Tab Subtabs

Excited to introduce an enhancement to our Trips tab, aimed at providing better visibility and organization of indent information across all subtabs.

Key Features:

Indent ID Display: In all subtabs of the Trips tab, the "Indent ID" column will now display the indent ID entered during indent creation.

Consistent Display: The indent ID will be consistently visible across all subtabs, allowing users to easily reference and track related indent information.

Automatic Generation: If an indent ID was not entered during indent creation, an auto-generated ID will be displayed in the "Indent ID" column to maintain consistency and facilitate identification.

Improved PAN Search in Customer Tab

Now made it easier to find customer records using PAN numbers in the Customer Tab.

Features :

Find PAN Easily: Now, in the Customer Tab, you can quickly search for customer details using their PAN numbers.

Saves Time: No more scrolling through long lists. Just type in the PAN number in the search box.

Better Organization: This enhancement helps keep customer records organized and accessible, making user's job easier.