Release 2.23.0

  1. Display POD Image Uploaded By.
  2. POD Verified Status Filter.
  3. Displaying Supplier Series id in Trip confirmation.
  4. Trip Delete Access Configuration.

Display POD Image Uploaded By


This update introduces a new feature that displays the "POD Image Uploaded By" information in various tabs and roles within the application. This enhancement aims to improve traceability and accountability for POD (Proof of Delivery) images.


1. Trips Tab:

 POD Pending: The "POD Uploaded By" column has been added to the POD Pending section.

 POD Received: The "POD Uploaded By" column has been added to the POD Received section.

2. Accounts Tab:

  The "POD Uploaded By" column is now visible in relevant sections for better tracking and reference(In all supplier, Customer, Own truck).

3. Billing Role:

  Users with the Billing role can now see the "POD Uploaded By" column in all three tab.

This update enhances visibility and provides users with more comprehensive details about POD image uploads, facilitating better management and verification processes.

POD Verified Status Filter


A new "POD Verified" status filter has been added to enhance the filtering capabilities across various sections of the application. This update aims to streamline the process of identifying and managing verified PODs (Proof of Delivery).


1. Trips Tab:

  The "POD Verified" status filter is now available in all sections where status columns are present. This allows users to easily filter and view trips based on the POD Verified status.

2. Accounts Tab:

  Relevant sections in the Accounts tab now include the "POD Verified" status filter, providing users with the ability to quickly find and manage accounts with verified PODs.

Display Supplier Series ID in Trip Confirmation Page


This update enhances the trip confirmation page by displaying the Supplier Series ID when searching for suppliers. This addition aims to improve the accuracy and efficiency of selecting the correct supplier during the trip confirmation process.


1. Trip Confirmation Page:

  When searching for suppliers, the Supplier Series ID is now displayed alongside the supplier's name. This provides additional context and ensures the correct supplier is selected.

This enhancement helps users quickly and accurately identify suppliers, reducing the risk of errors and improving the overall efficiency of the trip confirmation process.

Trip Delete Access Configuration


This update introduces a new configuration option for managing trip deletion access based on user roles. This feature allows administrators to define which roles have the permission to delete trips, enhancing control and security within the organization.


1. Organization > Master Tab:

  A new configuration setting is available under the Master tab, allowing administrators to specify trip deletion access based on user roles.

  Administrators can select which roles are granted the permission to delete trips, ensuring that only authorized personnel can perform this action.

This feature provides greater flexibility and control over trip management, ensuring that trip deletions are performed only by users with the appropriate permissions.