Release 2.18.0

  1. Time Stamp Reversal (Trip Status) Role Restriction.
  2. New columns Added in Accounts > Supplier > Advance tab.
  3. Role-Based Reversal of Deleted Trips.
  4. Truck Number Editing Restriction Based on Role
  5. Trip Expense Report Enhancement

Time Stamp Reversal (Trip Status) Role Restriction

In this release, introduce a new feature that enhances the control over time stamp reversal for trip statuses within an organization. Now, users can restrict access to the time stamp reversal functionality based on checkboxes selected in the Organization > Master > Delete Trip Time column.

Key Highlights:

Delete Trip Time Column : A new column has been added to the Master tab, titled "Delete Trip Time". Here, users can configure time stamp reversal restrictions.

Role-Based Access Control : Users with Admin and BM roles have exclusive access to configure time stamp reversal restrictions.

Table Icon : In the Delete Trip Time column, a table icon is displayed. Clicking on this icon opens up the Trip Timestamp Reversal module.

Trip Timestamp Reversal Module : Within this module, users can select specific roles that are authorized to reverse trip statuses.

This feature provides greater flexibility and security in managing trip statuses, ensuring that only authorized personnel can perform time stamp reversals as per organizational policies.

New Columns Added in Accounts > Supplier > Advance Tab

Excited to announce the addition of new columns in the Advance tab of Accounts > Supplier section. These columns provide enhanced visibility and detailed information for efficient management of supplier-related transactions.

Here are the new columns:

Truck Type : Displays the type of truck associated with the trip, offering clarity on transportation specifics.

Bank Name : Shows the name of the bank associated with the supplier account, aiding in financial tracking and reconciliation.

Bank Branch Name : Provides visibility into the specific branch of the supplier's bank, facilitating precise financial management.

Supplier Contact : Displays the primary contact number (mobile number) of the supplier, streamlining communication and coordination.

Supplier Code : Exhibits the unique vendor code assigned to the supplier during the creation process, ensuring accurate identification and categorization.

Indent ID : Shows the indent ID associated with the trip, offering reference for procurement and logistical purposes.

Indent Date : Displays the date of the trip's indent, providing chronological context for trip-related activities.

These new columns enrich the Advance tab with crucial details, empowering users to make informed decisions and streamline supplier-related operations efficiently.

Role-Based Reversal of Deleted Trips

Excited to introduce a significant enhancement that provides greater control over deleted trips within the system. With this update, only users with the admin role will have the authority to reverse deleted trips, changing their status from "Cancelled" to "Confirmed".

Here's how it works:

All Trips Tab : Users can navigate to the All Trips tab and utilize the status filter to select deleted trips specifically.

Action Column : Against the deleted trips listed, a new "Reverse" icon will appear in the Action column.

Reverse Functionality : Admin users can simply click on the "Reverse" icon corresponding to the deleted trip they wish to restore. This action will promptly change the status of the trip from "Cancelled" back to "Confirmed".

This enhancement serves as a safeguard against accidental deletion of trips, allowing for seamless recovery by authorized personnel. It ensures that only users with the necessary permissions can reverse deleted trips, maintaining data integrity and minimizing errors in trip management.

Truck Number Editing Restriction Based on Role

We are pleased to announce an enhancement to our system that offers greater control over the editing of truck numbers, based on user roles. With this update, only users with the admin role will have the privilege to edit the truck number once it has been created.

Here's how the enhancement works:

Admin Role Exclusivity : Users assigned the admin role will retain the exclusive ability to edit the truck number after its initial creation.

Other Role Permissions : Users with roles other than admin will still be able to perform edits related to truck type and other truck-related details as per their existing permissions.

This enhancement ensures that critical information such as truck numbers remains accurate and consistent, while also providing necessary flexibility for other truck-related edits based on user roles.

Trip Expense Report Enhancement

This report provides users with detailed insights into customer-related profit and loss, accessible through Desk Analytics > Reports > Trip Expense.

Key Features of the Trip Expense Report:

Trip Information : Displays essential trip details such as trip ID, trip creation date, source, destination, and truck number for easy reference.

Expense Breakdown : All expense types are listed in separate columns, providing a comprehensive breakdown of trip expenses.

Customer Price : Shows the price charged to the customer for the trip.

Customer Charges : Displays any additional charges added for the trip by the customer.

Profit/Loss Calculation : Calculates the profit or loss for each trip based on the sum of customer price, customer charges, and reduced charges from the total expenses.

Profit/Loss Percentage : Provides the percentage of profit or loss for each trip relative to the total expenses.

This report offers valuable insights into the financial performance of each trip, allowing users to make informed decisions and optimize profitability.