Release 2.13.0

  1. Driver Balance summary trips report enhancement.
  2. Exim while indent creation.
  3. Introduction of 'Paid to' Filter in Accounts for Supplier Advances.
  4. New Driver column in Accounts > Supplier > Advance.
  5. Ad-hoc order Filter in All trips tab

New Driver column in Accounts > Supplier > Advance.

Introducing a new 'Driver' column in the Accounts > Supplier > Advance section to offer detailed driver information.

Driver Balance summary trips report enhancement.

In the Accounts > Own Trucks > Driver Balance, in trip sheet new enhancement had done like adding new field and calculation as follows :

Cost section -> Fuel Sum = (MILEAGE -> Total * Fuel station average rate)

Cost section -> Add FasTag Sum (trip wise FasTag expense sum) below fuel calculation.

Driver Section -> Salary type: Monthly | Trip based

Trip detail section -> Charges | Advance | Expenses | Balance -> Total (sum of all values)

Configuring Exim Requirement and New Features in Indent Creation

Admin role employees Can Now Configure Exim Requirement in Master Settings

Employees with the 'Admin' role are granted the ability to configure Exim necessity in the system. This can be done by accessing the Organization > Master > Exim column. By toggling this setting, users can determine whether Exim (Export/Import) functionality is required for indent creation.

Once the Exim setting is enabled, users will notice a new column named 'Transaction type' while creating an indent. This column allows users to specify the type of the indent, selecting between 'Exim' or 'Domestic.' After choosing the 'Exim' type, users are prompted to select the Load type ('FCL' or 'LCL') and the EIME type ('Import' or 'Export'). Depending on the chosen Load and Exim types, extra columns will appear to provide a more customized indent creation experience.

After updated all data user can create Exim type indents.

Note : Job no can be generated automatically while after trip gets S-out.

Introduction of 'Paid to' Filter in Accounts for Supplier Advances.

New "Paid to (truck owner or supplier)" added in Accounts > Supplier > Advance, enabling users to access detailed payment information based on whether the advance payment was made to the truck owner or supplier. Also user can able to view detail information about the payment like Account information, IFSC NO, Pan.

Ad-hoc order Filter in All trips tab

Introduced an Ad-hoc order filter within the All Trips tab. Trips created without specified customer lanes are recognized as Ad-hoc trips. A new filter column has been integrated into the Trips > All trips tab, enabling users to sort and manage data based on this criterion.